Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
State and City Partnership Expanded Through Resilient and Equitable Decarbonization Initiative for Existing Buildings Program Investment Expands Electric and Energy Efficiency Upgrades to Benefit More Low- to Moderate-Income Residents
Governor Kathy Hochul today announced $16.5 million is now available to decarbonize and improve existing affordable housing in New York City through the Resilient and Equitable […]
We have just witnessed the warmest December 18th on record with huge amounts of rain and snowmelt causing flooding in Vermont yet again. We saw the devastating effects of climate change this summer when our second “once-in-a-lifetime” flood in the past twelve years destroyed communities, wiped out houses and washed […]
Contact your lawmakers today to urge them to support the Global Warming Solutions Act!
Earlier this week, lawmakers reconvened for the final days of the 2020 legislative session, with a primary focus on finalizing a FY 2021 budget. That said, a few key policy priorities remain in play, including the important, job-creating, pollution-reducing, Global Warming […]
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Together, we stood up for solar rights — and we won! Thank you!
You spoke and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) listened. Today, FERC unanimously dismissed a petition to end net metering.
Anti-solar interests tried to deny solar owners fair compensation for the solar […]
Global warming represents one of the single greatest threats to Vermont’s communities, ecosystems, and our shared way of life. In the face of this growing crisis, Vermont’s Climate Solutions Caucus is championing legislation to ensure that Vermont remains resilient and financially secure.
The Global Warming Solutions Act will turn our Climate goals into binding requirements […]
Enbridge Is Seeking To Increase It’s Influence Over Vermont Utilities
Don’t Let It Happen!
Canadian corporation, Enbridge, Inc. is one of North America’s biggest fossil fuel infrastructure companies, notorious for building tarsands oil pipelines. In recent years, Enbridge has also been increasing its construction of fracked gas pipelines in Canada and […]
Don’t let Eversource punish people who install solar panels on their home with confusing new charges. Urge your legislators to stand strong for Massachusetts’ clean energy leadership.
Utilities hate competition. And they have no qualms about trying to […]
Six years ago, Vermont became the first state in the nation to ban fracking for fossil fuels. I was proud to help lead the fight for that fracking ban and it’s been great to see other states follow suit in the years since.1
Now we’re taking on the fossil fuel industry again. And this […]
Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
By George Harvey
Regular visitors to the Green Energy Times website may recall an item that was posted on October 7, “Solar Power and Water for Puerto Rico.” In it, Joseph Mangum, who runs Sunnyside Solar in West Brattleboro, Vermont, made a plea for donations to help people […]
Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
Message from Joseph Mangum of Sunnyside Solar of Brattleboro, VT:
Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. My wife, Rosemary, is from the island and half of our family is there. With great patience and perseverance, they have struggled over the last two weeks. There is no […]
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