Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
Jonathan Dowds, Deputy Director, Renewable Energy Vermont, 802-229-0099
New Hampshire households are about to get hit hard, really hard, by rates hikes that will increase electricity bills by more than $70 a month. These unprecedented rate hikes reflect surging natural gas prices and New Hampshire’s ill-fated decision to tie its electricity prices to volatile fossil […]
Despite funding for weatherization work across the country, 10 to 30 percent of low-income homeowners nationwide are passed over for weatherization assistance because their homes have other issues, like mold, asbestos, outdated wiring, and structural deficiencies that must be addressed before they can become eligible for weatherization services.
July 15th, 2022 | Tags: legislature, weatherization | Category: Legislative Updates, Uncategorized, Weatherization |
Measures are a good start in reducing transportation emissions
A broad coalition of environmental leaders applaud the transportation investments included with the enactment of the Fiscal Year 2023 Transportation Bill, H.736, and the Fiscal Year 2023 Appropriations Act, H.740, which earned Vermont Governor Phil Scott’s signature on June 9, 2022. The bills, H.736 and H.740 […]
Whew, what a week! Numerous VCV priorities passed the House, including the Clean Heat Standard, bills to protect forests and biodiversity, and the Municipal Energy Resilience Initiative. Other funding and policy priorities are moving through their last committees before heading to the House and Senate floor next week.
Read below for the latest updates on […]
This week, Governor Scott unveiled his Administration’s proposal for how to spend the $1 billion in federal funds coming into Vermont as a result of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The proposal includes spending $200 million on critical climate and clean energy initiatives including weatherization and electrifying our heating and transportation systems, among […]
In case you haven’t heard: The Global Warming Solutions Act is now a law!
Yesterday, the Vermont Senate voted 22-8 to override Governor Scott’s veto, after a similar vote in the House last week. Thank you to everyone who called and emailed your legislators to let them know that climate action is important to you […]
Contact your lawmakers today to urge them to support the Global Warming Solutions Act!
Earlier this week, lawmakers reconvened for the final days of the 2020 legislative session, with a primary focus on finalizing a FY 2021 budget. That said, a few key policy priorities remain in play, including the important, job-creating, pollution-reducing, Global Warming […]
Climate Policy with Legislative Leaders (Wednesday at noon) The Energy Action Network (EAN) is offering an exciting opportunity to engage with legislative leaders on climate this Wednesday, August 5 at noon.
Join Senate President Pro Tem Tim Ashe and House Speaker Mitzi Johnson for a discussion about which climate priorities they expect to make […]
As the eighth week of the legislative session winds down and lawmakers head into Town Meeting break, momentum continues on a number of key VCV priorities. A few highlights from the week: the Act 250 modernization bill passed the House, and robust testimony and bill mark up continues on 100% renewable energy, efficiency […]
New Hampshire Statehouse. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The spring has been very busy in the legislative and regulatory offices. As part of the New Hampshire Public Utility Commission’s (PUC) process to determine the state’s future around net- metered renewable energy across the Granite State, the Energy Future Coalition submitted a settlement proposal with the […]
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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