Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Michigan Senate votes to override local decisions on wind, solar energy

From Bridge Michigan:

Wind turbine farms have caused local controversies throughout Michigan. After a Senate vote Wednesday, permitting power for the projects will likely soon shift from local communities to the state’s Public Service Commission. (Bridge file photo)

The Senate Wednesday approved bills to shift permitting authority over wind, solar developments to the […]

Uh-Oh. Now What? Are We Acquiring the Data to Understand the Situation?

Fig.1.Globaltemperature(relativeto1880-1920meanforeachmonth)forthe1997-98,2015- 16 and 2023-24 El Ninos. The impact of El Nino on global temperature usually peaks early in the year (El Nino Peak Year) following the year in which the El Nino originated.

14 August 2023

James Hansen, Makiko Sato and Reto Ruedy

Abstract. Global temperature in June […]

June 2021 Global Temperature Update

Fig. 1. June 2021 surface temperature anomaly (°C) relative to the 1951-1980 base period.

13 July 2021

James Hansen and Makiko Sato

Global temperature in June was +1.13°C (relative to the 1880-1920 base period, which is our best estimate of preindustrial temperature); it was +0.85°C relative to the 1951-1980 […]

Global Warming Acceleration

(GET editor’s note: We are providing the first couple of paragraphs of this article and a link to the website at Columbia University. We do want all of our readers to be aware of the conclusion, however, and so we start by quoting the article’s last paragraph:

Global temperature prognostication: 2021 will be cooler than […]

From the Vermont Natural Resources Council

Contact your lawmakers today to urge them to support the Global Warming Solutions Act!

Earlier this week, lawmakers reconvened for the final days of the 2020 legislative session, with a primary focus on finalizing a FY 2021 budget. That said, a few key policy priorities remain in play, including the important, job-creating, pollution-reducing, Global Warming […]

A New Metaphor

Rock Concert fire show (Les Panchyshyn, Wikimedia Commons)

By George Harvey

Freedom of speech?

Imagine being in at a really great indoor rock concert. You got a really good seat, about five rows back from the stage and right in the center of the theater. Exiting out will be a […]

Roadmaps to Slow Climate Change and Eliminate Air Pollution

By George Harvey

In May of 2015, a team of researchers headed by Dr. Mark Z. Jacobson of Stanford University published a paper, “100% clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight (WWS) all-sector energy roadmaps for the 50 United States.” It proposed a set of roadmaps to eliminating of our use of fossil fuels, […]

Are You Scared Yet?

The Scream (1893, Edvard Munch).

By George Harvey

Are you ready to watch the scariest movie plot ever produced play out? This one is especially scary because it is in full 3-D, accompanied by surround sound and real sensations ranging from the smells to the physical pains. It promises to give […]

We aren’t doomed by climate change. Right now we are choosing to be doomed.

We could prevent New York Magazine’s climate change doomsday scenario, but keep voting not to.

Credit: KC Green

New York Magazine has stirred up a firestorm of debate by publishing a worst-case scenario for climate change this week, “The Uninhabitable Earth” by David Wallace-Wells.

Responses […]


The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed To Reverse Global Warming

Review by Nancy Rae Mallery, Publisher, Green Energy Times

Most of us realize that we are facing the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to deal with. It is climate change.

It is a scientifically proven fact that the world […]