Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Urge VT Governor Scott to Support the Climate Solutions Caucus Platform!

Global warming represents one of the single greatest threats to Vermont’s communities, ecosystems, and our shared way of life. In the face of this growing crisis, Vermont’s Climate Solutions Caucus is championing legislation to ensure that Vermont remains resilient and financially secure.

  •  The Global Warming Solutions Act will turn our Climate goals into binding requirements to make Vermont net zero by 2050.
  • Instituting a 100% Renewable Energy Standard by 2030 will put us on track to power Vermont with entirely clean electricity faster than any other state in the country.
  • Modernizing our energy efficiency utilities, like Efficiency Vermont, to focus their work on reducing climate pollution, and developing our clean energy workforce to grow jobs and our economy will improving building efficiency and saving Vermonters money.
  • Participating in the Transportation and Climate Initiative will provide Vermont with millions in new revenue to invest in transitioning off of fossil fuels and benefit low-income and rural Vermonters

We all have a shared responsibility to take urgent climate action. Call Governor Scott at (802) 828-3333 or at (800) 649- 6825 and urge him to do his part by supporting the Climate Solutions Caucus platform! 

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