Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Free Weatherization Workshop in Oneonta

ONEONTA, N.Y. The Mohawk Valley Region Clean Energy Hub will host a no-cost Energy Education Weatherization Workshop in Oneonta to provide hands-on experience with various measures to save money and energy.

The two-hour workshop will be held at 11 am on Saturday, January 18th in the Southside Mall Community Room, 5006 State Highway 23, […]

NHSaves Button Up Workshops 2024

Would your town, business or organization in New Hampshire be interested in putting on a NHSaves Button Up workshop? This is a 1 1⁄2 hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audits and […]

Make A Fresh, Green Career Move

Online expert panel explain the “Transition to a Great Paying Green Job”

On Saturday January 15th, SolarFest and the 1786 Meeting House in Rupert are presenting a workshop of people who have already found exciting and profitable career opportunities in the trillion-dollar clean energy field. Join this online conversation to […]

Workshop and Volunteer Announcement!


Garlic Harvest Workshop

Wednesday July 21st at 5:00 PM at the Plymouth community garden

Join us to harvest and learn about garlic! This is a part of our garlic life cycle series where we follow garlic throughout the seasons to teach how to plant, harvest, maintain, and plan for the […]

Community Solar NY Solarize Workshops

The Creating and Implementing Your Solarize Campaign training prepares communities to implement a group purchasing campaign through the Community Solar NY initiative. In this session, a pre-requisite for communities that wish to participate in the second round of Community Solar NY, Solarize experts will discuss how to create a successful Solarize campaign. This includes how […]