Headline News:
- “Rasberries Can Grow Under Solar Panels!” • What may have been a crazy idea a few years ago, it turns into a project in the Netherlands. A Dutch farm had 10,250 solar panels deployed across 3.2 hectares of raspberry crops to provide renewable energy for the area and create a more sustainable environment for the raspberries to grow in. [Energy Live News]
- “Deutsche Bank To Discontinue Lending To Coal Miners” • Deutsche Bank announced that it would discontinue doing business with companies that are most exposed to coal mining by 2025 at the latest. Deutsche Bank also said it would cease financing of new projects in the Arctic and of oil sand projects immediately. [EconoTimes]
- “WEC Pledges To Be Carbon-Neutral By 2050” • WEC Energy Group, which owns We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service, is pledging to go carbon-neutral by 2050, joining a growing list of companies that are looking to step up their carbon reduction goals. It has set a new goal to reduce carbon emissions 70% in the next decade. [Urban Milwaukee]
- “Largest Floating Solar Park In Europe Connected To Grid In Netherlands” • The largest floating solar power park outside of China was recently completed in the Netherlands by BayWa re’s Dutch subsidiary GroenLeven. It is expected to provide energy for 7,200 homes. It has 72,000 solar panels. And it was built in just seven weeks. [CleanTechnica]
- “Realistic Proposals Needed To Deal With Coal’s Decline” • State and local governments in coal-producing areas must plan for what budgeting will be like as revenues from coal severance taxes and income taxes from businesses that depend on coal decline. The problem has been around for years, but it needs to be better addressed. [Huntington Herald Dispatch]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
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