Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Climate Council Webinar on Sept. 27th at Noon


Right now, the Vermont Climate Council is holding a series of public events to gather input on the Climate Action Plan. Your voice matters at this critical moment, and we want to ensure that you feel prepared to stand up and speak up for climate action at these events.

Join the Vermont Climate Coalition next Monday, September 27th at noon for a webinar with the latest updates on the Climate Action Plan.

We’ll be joined by Climate Council members to get the inside scoop on conversations within the council. Then, we will hear from leading Vermont climate advocates about some of their priorities for the plan, including ensuring that it cuts emissions across all sectors of Vermont’s economy, that it is equitable, and that it is fully funded. Finally, our panelists will answer your questions about the plan and the ongoing public engagement.

These public events offer an opportunity to call for meaningful and equitable climate action, and we hope that this webinar can provide helpful context as you prepare your comments. Register for the webinar here!

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