Just In! is NY-GEO’s weekly news feed for members. NY-GEO’s calendar-year memberships are open to everyone and available for as little as $35. See more information on memberships here. Click here to see some of the work a NY-GEO membership supports. We also feature three of the top news item summaries on the NY-GEO home page every Monday.
Governor Hochul: Record Level of Clean Energy Jobs Reached in NYS – The 2022 New York Clean Energy Industry Report released today by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) provides data on the state’s clean energy job growth through the end of 2021. The report shows that this sector rebounded faster from the impact of COVID-19 than nearly all other industries in New York and that since 2015, clean energy employment in the state has grown by approximately 17 percent, or over 24,000 jobs. 165,055 New Yorkers had clean energy jobs at the end of 2021, up from 157,686 in 2020….’This year’s Clean Energy Industry Report shows what I have always known to be true of New Yorkers – that we are resilient, and we keep moving forward in the face of adversity,’ Governor Hochul said. Full press release here.
Inspiring Video on Marcus Garvey Geothermal Affordable Housing Project – This 4.5-minute video describes Con Edison’s partnership with L&M Development, along with design services from NY-GEO member ZBF Geothermal, in creating a 170-unit geothermal project with no natural gas connection at Marcus Garvey Apartments in Brooklyn. 100% of the heating, cooling, and hot water is from the geothermal system. According to L&M Senior Director Elaine Braitwaithe “This geothermal system will help the residents of this building offset costs through lower utility bills…we would definitely recommend it. We have two other buildings in the area that are using this system,…and we have one that is up and running out in the Rockaways”. Video here.

L&M Senior Director Elaine Braitwaithe (left) discusses the Marcus Garvey project
Hydrogen Will Run Afoul of New York’s Climate Goals – Anshul Gupta – Op Ed in the Albany Times-Union – All independent research to date has deemed hydrogen unsuitable for existing utility networks for a multitude of reasons… hydrogen’s tiniest-in-the-universe molecules don’t just escape from microscopic gaps, but can also lodge amid the relatively gigantic metal atoms in pipes and appliances causing embrittlement, which is why legacy gas systems can’t handle significant amounts of hydrogen blending. Since burning the superlight hydrogen yields only a fraction of the heat of the fossil “natural” gas, its potential to replace the latter is even smaller.” Full Op Ed here.

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) – link to photo and hydrogen embrittlement article here
Rewiring Schools – Rewire America – “How to campaign for a comfier, healthier, carbon-free campus – These resources will help you and your district get it done! Run a campaign to get your school board to pass a resolution. Then, point your board to our handbook for planning and implementation help, and use our education materials to answer all your electric questions.” Website here.
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