When: Nov 13, 2021, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Celebrate America Recycles Day with the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District!
CVSWMD is providing a FREE TV and Computer collection event at the Additional Recyclables Collection Center (ARCC). The event will be held from 10am-3pm at 540 N. Main Street in Barre – behind the Dollar General. Bring your unwanted TVs, computers, laptops, desktop printers and scanners, monitors, computer speakers, mice, and keyboards in any condition to recycle. Stop in for some cider and donuts, and to ask any recycling or composting questions you have!
Limits may apply. Businesses please call us 24 hours ahead of event at (802)229-9383 x101. If you miss the collection, please check out http://cvswmd.org for normal days/hours and other fees.
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