Saturday, August 20, 2016
Orchard Hill Community
125 Old Settlers Rd.
East Alstead, NH
The fourth annual New Hampshire Permaculture Day is a gathering of permaculture enthusiasts, teachers and interested newcomers from across New Hampshire and the NH border lands. The day will be filled with hands-on workshops, demos, talks, walks and sharing of knowledge on topics related to food production, edible landscape design, climate change, sustainable energy, natural building, homesteading and beyond. Whether you are curious about permaculture or a seasoned practitioner, there will be something for everyone. The vendor marketplace will offer information and local goods and crafts for sale. A local, organic, farm-to-table lunch will be provided. Bring your kids along. There will be lots of fun and supervised activities.
This year’s event is hosted by the Orchard Hill Community in East Alstead, NH; home to Orchard Hill Breadworks, The Orchard School and two farm enterprises, Orchard Hill Farm and Village Roots Permaculture. Orchard Hill is about 17 miles north of Keene, 63 miles west of Concord, 30 miles northeast of Brattleboro and 20 miles south of Claremont.
Admission is $35. Student, senior, and family discounts are available. For more information and tickets go to http://www.nhpermacultureda
Workshops, presentations, and demonstration line up:
Introduction to Permaculture
Hand Hewing
Orchard Strategies
Ecovillage Cite Ecologique: Case Study
Residential Solar
Mushroom Plugging Demo
Earthship Home: A Natural Build Design Case Study
Daring to be Great!
Principles of Biological Systems & Implications: Introduction to Bionutrient Farming
Integrating Plant, Animal and Building Systems: Stacking Functions
Managing your Forests: Zone 4
Introduction to Herbal Medicine
Permaculture Poultry: Chickens Cheaply
Designing and Managing Ecosystems: The case for modeling existing ecosystems in installed landscape design
Soak Up the Rain!
Restoring Natural Water Cycles for Land and Climate
Permaculture for the Soul
Teaching Permaculture
Wild Plant Walk
Grass Farming
Establishing Food Forests in NH
The Permaculture Home: Natural Building and Permaculture
Social Permaculture & Spiritual Ecology: Getting back to our Wild Roots
Revitalizing Franklin, NH: A Permaculture Approach to Community Development
Grow Your Own: Plant Propagation for Forest Gardens
Building Orchard Ladders
Mushroom Foray
Building Hugelkultur Garden Beds
Get Out of the Backyard!
Impacting Your Community with Permaculture
Machines in Permaculture
Working with Native Plants and Creating Edges
Planning to Succeed by Managing for Change: Preparing Local Food Systems for Global Climate Change
For full workshop descriptions, visit:
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