Applications due June 15th!
Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting Housing Innovation Award applications has been extended to June 15th. It is recommended you start working on your applications now so you are able to get help if any questions arise. Remember, you are competing against the best of the best so it is incredibly important that you submit a well thought out and complete application.
In case you missed the two webinar presentations on applying for the awards, or just want a refresher as you fill out your application, a copy of the presentation is now available on the Housing Innovation Awards webpage. This webinar will walk you through the application process and give you several insightful tips and successful strategies when applying for the awards. Housing Innovation Award applications for award winning homes will be used to populate our Tour of Zero, so it is helpful to think about your application like you are building your own tour site.
Don’t miss this chance to be recognized as one of the nation’s leading builders, delivering the home of the future to American homebuyer’s today! If you have any questions related to the Housing Innovation Awards or the application process, the Zero Energy Ready Home team is happy to answer them. You can contact us at 301-889-0017 or via email at
We are excited to see the great homes each of you are building and are looking forward to the Housing Innovation Awards ceremony at the EEBA Conference and Expo in Dallas, TX, September 27th-29th.
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