Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

NH Incentives

Residential PV/Small Wind:

  • $1.25/Watt capped at $4,500 per system (all systems must be under 5 kW)

Please call Jon Osgood at 603-271-6306 with questions
A new program budget for FY 2011-2012 is currently under construction.
This program is offered through the Public Utilities Commission.

Residential Solar Water Heating:

  • $1500-$1900 per system based upon annual system output

Please call Kate Epsen at 603-271-6018 with questions.
This program is offered through the Public Utilities Commission.

  • Wood Pellet Boiler or Furnace, 30% of installed system up to $6k:
  • Thermal efficiency rating of 85% or greater
  • Particulate emissions 0.32 lb/MMBtu heat output.

Call Barbara Bernstein at 603-271-6011 with questions or
This program is also offered through the Public Utilities Commission.

Local Incentives

Some towns provide tax exemptions for renewables: . These are offered on a town-by-town basis.  The state has also passed PACE (property-assessed clean energy) enabling legislation which will allow towns to use the PACE mechanism to finance clean energy projects through property taxes. Solar Hot Water, Solar PV, and Wind education only.  See

GET Aug2011 page 17

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