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NESEA Speakers at BuildingEnergy 15: Howard J. Brown

Dematerialization Applied

Howard J. Brown

Thursday, March 05, 2015
8:30 am to 10:00 am

As a follow-up to “Dematerializing Buildings” at BE14, this session will explore how the dematerialization and lightweighting of buildings is being put into practice. Many of the technologies discussed in the March 2014 session are now being put into actual application while more new technologies are entering the pipeline at a rapid rate. Driven by energy and environmental concerns, some projects are now quantifying the material savings and embodied carbon reduction resulting from lightweighting strategies. The speakers will describe the progress of dematerialization and its real impact on design, engineering, and construction. This will include case studies of technologies that have gained market acceptance and projects that have actively embraced them. Attendees will be encouraged to engage in an interactive discussion of techniques for incorporating resource-efficient products to improve building performance, durability, and resilience.

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To learn more about NESEA’s BuildingEnergy 15 conference and see more speakers and programs, follow THIS LINK.


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