Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere


There will be a presentation about Geothermal Energy for homes, businesses and municipalities on Wednesday, June 7th, 6:30 pm at First United Methodist Church at 1 Gilligan Road East Greenbush, NY. The event and parking are free and light refreshments will be available.

In the Northeast, most of us spend most of our fossil fuel money heating and cooling our homes. If we’re building a new home we can use passive solar designs and insulate our houses well.  If we’re working with existing homes we should first insulate our homes as best as we can. At the moment, the most practical way of heating our homes is through geothermal energy. We can use the constant temperature of the soil under us, which is at about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, to help us heat our homes. Mr. Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal will explain what geothermal energy is, and how it can be used to heat and indeed, cool buildings. He will also talk about the costs and benefits of switching to geothermal energy as a heating and cooling source.

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