Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Priorities for President-Elect Trump’s Department of Energy Nominee, Chris Wright

President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Chris Wright to lead the Department of Energy presents an important moment for American energy policy. Trump has promised to cut energy costs “by half within 12 months”. To deliver on this promise, Chris Wright will need to continue key areas of work where the DOE has successfully saved families […]

Weatherize Upper Valley Kicks Off: January 2017

By Sarah Brock, Vital Communities

Remember Solarize Upper Valley? Two years, 24 towns, dozens of volunteers, and over 370 new solar homes. The last round of Solarize ended in late 2015. Now Vital Communities is back with Weatherize Upper Valley, kicking off in 14 Vermont towns this January.

Home energy efficiency projects are the best […]

Last Minute, Legislative Assault on Energy Efficiency

Take Action – Support Efficiency

Yesterday the House Ways and Means committee voted to pass an amendment that would limit Efficiency Vermont’s electric efficiency work. That work has saved Vermonters nearly $850 million. If enacted, this provision would increase the amount of money Vermonters spend on energy by $10-$14 million in the next 10 years.


Weatherization in New Hampshire – Easy and Affordable

By Melissa Elander, J. Myers Builders, Inc.

New Hampshire homeowners may qualify for a 50% incentive, up to $4,000, to help pay for energy efficiency improvements including lighting upgrades, water conservation measures, air sealing, and insulation through the Home Performance with Energy Star program. Homeowners can find out more about the Home Performance with Energy […]

Be Part of the Button Up Video Contest

(BARRE, VT) Be part of the Button Up Video Contest! Capstone Community Action is looking for very short videos that inspire viewers to take action to lower their heating costs and do something positive for the planet. The competition runs September 2 to October 19, there is no entry fee, and […]

Weatherizing Windows … when Net Zero is not an Option

By Bob Walker, Sustainable Energy Resource Group

Roy Prochorchik installs inside storm window

Replacing windows might well be on the list of to-do’s for folks doing a ‘deep energy retrofit,’ where you are trying to make very deep savings at much higher costs with much longer paybacks. If your goals are to reach […]

Action Alert: October 5 Proclaimed Official Day of Energy Action

Dear Members, Activists, and Friends,

We want to remind you of a big opportunity coming up: Button Up Vermont Day is October 5 and it’s all about taking action on home energy efficiency with your family, friends and neighbors. Sealing up and insulating homes and buildings makes them cheaper to heat and much more comfortable. […]