Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Waterkeepers in Our Midst

Today the water in the Connecticut River is clear and much cleaner than it was 30 years ago. (Courtesy photo)

Jessie Haas

Many of us are old enough to remember when canoeing on the Connecticut River (or many other waterways in the Northeast) posed a health hazard. Swimming was […]

Pure Water, Clean Air, a Stable Climate and Healthy Environment

An Interview with Maya K. van Rossum, author of The Green Amendment, The People’s Fight for a Clean, Safe, and Healthy Environment coming out November 1, 2022. She is founder of Green Amendments for the Generations, the Delaware Riverkeeper and Leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network

Wing Dam on the Delaware River. […]

Bill to Protect Vermont Waters Passes Senate

H.466, a new bill that will help Vermont protect its surface waters, passed second reading in the Vermont Senate today. Its recent passage in both the Vermont House and the Senate represents a significant step toward thoughtful climate-resilient protections for our rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds, while ensuring equitable access for surface water users in […]

USDA RD Invests $891 Million in Rural Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements in 43 States

Projects Include Rural Water Infrastructure for 2733 Rural Residents and Businesses Across New Hampshire and Vermont

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27, 2020 – The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $891 million to modernize rural drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in 43 states.

“Upgrading water infrastructure provides a path to economic growth and protects the […]

Public hearing on PFAS today @ 1pm. Plus, CORRECTION to public comment info.


This is a reminder about today’s public hearing about a new proposal from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) to regulate only a small subset of PFAS chemicals in our drinking water, rather than the thousands of chemicals that fall within the PFAS class of chemicals.


The hearing is today, October […]

VT Environmental Advocates Call for Implementation of Clean Water Rule

The new film, Dark Waters, really brings the need for clean water throughout VT and every state! We encourage all to watch it.

Environmental Advocates Call for Implementation of Critical Clean Water Rule

Will achieve Vermont’s water quality obligations and protect state’s tourist economy

The Conservation Law Foundation, the Connecticut […]

Vermont Files Suit Against Manufacturers of PFAS Chemicals to Protect Drinking Water and Natural

Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan announced that the State of Vermont has taken a major environmental action to protect Vermont’s drinking water and natural resources by filing two lawsuits against companies for the manufacturing and distribution of PFAS chemicals and PFAS-containing products in Vermont. The lawsuits name the 3M Company (3M) and E. I. du […]

Make this school year lead-free

Do you know if the water at your kid’s school is safe from lead?

Check out the Back to School Toolkit to get the lead out of our schools.

Lead is highly toxic, especially for children. There is no safe level for lead in water—even small amounts can have major consequences. The only way […]

Microplastics in Our Fish

Bait fish

George Harvey

We have seen a number of articles about microplastics, or microbeads, in Green Energy Times before. Two examples are Larry Plesent’s article, “Microbeads are in the News!” which appeared in December 15, 2015 (), and “Garbage Patches in our Oceans,” which appeared in August 15, 2015. ()


Vermont Needs a Clean Water Commitment

Lake Champlain hosts blue-green-algae blooms that close beaches every summe.

By Mark Curran

Vermont faces numerous environmental challenges, but there are two that need our immediate attention. Greenhouse emissions and resulting climate changes are things all Vermont businesses need to address. Unfortunately, Vermont cannot go it alone, and it requires […]