Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Video Review

“The Dirty Truth about Combustion Engine Vehicles”

Created by Mark Linthicum, 14 minutes,

Review by Victoria Ines

The animation “The Dirty Truth about Combustion Engine Vehicles” discusses the misconception that the process to power an EV pollutes the same amount as a petrol car. Image: YouTube.

It is common knowledge that Tesla […]

Gas or Electric: What Pollutes More?

We often hear people complaining that electric vehicles are dirty in their own way. Is this true? Or is it a deception spread by those who fear the decline and fall of the oil industry? This video explains things for those who want to know.

We have seen a few statistics in the video […]

Will Ferrell’s GM Ad Gets a Quick Response From Norway

For a little fun, watch this Superbowl ad Will Ferrell did for GM. (Click on the image to watch it – about 90 seconds):

Will Ferrell. Screen capture from YouTube.

Then this, from a Norwegian university (Again, click on the image – 2 minutes.):

YouTube screen capture.

Question: Are we missing […]

Critique of Planet of the Humans

We think this may be the best critique of Planet of the Humans we have see so far.

Thanks to Steven Strong for suggesting it.

Video: Greta Thunberg to World Leaders