Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

“The Shale Gas Revolution has frankly been an unmitigated disaster”

Injection well head. Joshua Doubek. CC-BY-3.0, Wikimedia Commons.

“The Shale Gas Revolution has frankly been an unmitigated disaster.” – Steve Schlotterbeck

An article at ( quoted Steve Schlotterbeck, former chief executive of EQT, a shale gas giant, saying at a petrochemicals conference in Pittsburgh,“The shale gas revolution has […]

The Meaning of Standing Rock

By Carl Pope

Today was supposed to be the deadline for thousands of protesters encamped to prevent completion of the Dakota Access pipeline across Lake Oahe on the Missouri River to evacuate their camp-sites. Instead it has become a moment of celebration, as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Obama Administration have concluded that […]

Dear EarthTalk:

How is it that migrating birds are being negatively affected by oil extraction in Canada’s Boreal forest? – Jennifer Chase, Fort Lauderdale, FL

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine

Each year tens of million of migratory birds “overwinter” in the Canadian Boreal forest, a vast tract of mostly uninhabited coniferous woodlands and wetlands stretching from […]