Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Sign on to Support Weatherization Readiness! – Deadline Today!

Despite funding for weatherization work across the country, 10 to 30 percent of low-income homeowners nationwide are passed over for weatherization assistance because their homes have other issues, like mold, asbestos, outdated wiring, and structural deficiencies that must be addressed before they can become eligible for weatherization services.

July 15th, 2022 | Tags: , | Category: Legislative Updates, Uncategorized, Weatherization | Leave a comment

Good News: New Program Funds Community Weatherization & Cleaner Heat for Vermont Communities

If you’re interested in reducing your energy bills and cutting climate pollution, you have something to celebrate. H.518, the Municipal Energy Resilience Initiatives bill is now law, setting the stage for $45 million in federal Covid-19 relief dollars to flow to municipalities for investments in weatherization, switching to super-efficient cold climate heat pumps or […]

From the Vermont Natural Resources Council

This week, Governor Scott unveiled his Administration’s proposal for how to spend the $1 billion in federal funds coming into Vermont as a result of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The proposal includes spending $200 million on critical climate and clean energy initiatives including weatherization and electrifying our heating and transportation systems, among […]

Please Sign This Petition Today

To Support The Vermont Green New Deal

Please urge the Vermont legislature to move S.311 The Vermont Green New Deal to passage during the 2020 session, by signing this petition:

“Vermont State Legislature: The Vermont Green New Deal promotes social justice and genuine, timely climate solutions.”

And once you help by adding your name, please […]

Vermont House Passes Act 250 Modernization Bill that Strengthens Environmental Protections

Vermont House Passes Act 250 Modernization Bill that Strengthens Environmental Protections in Vermont’s Land Use Law Montpelier, VT – On February 28, 2020, the Vermont House of Representatives passed H.926, an Act 250 modernization bill, 88 to 52 with tri-partisan support. This legislation strengthens Act 250 environmental protections and equips Vermont’s land use law […]

Vermont Legislative Update

Victories for Energy Siting, Weatherization Funding, and Carbon Pollution Tax Progress

The State House in Montpelier, Vermont. Photo courtesy of VNRC

By Johanna Miller

There were several important victories for clean energy and climate action in the Vermont Legislature this past session, including an energy-siting bill that was saved in the last […]

Vermont Lawmakers Tackle Siting, Weatherization, Carbon Pricing, Divestment

VT State House in Montpelier. Photo courtesy of VT Natural Resources Council

The latest scientific polling continues to show Vermonters’ strong support for meeting our energy needs through more clean, local, renewable energy resources. Each year, the Legislature has taken steps to respond to this interest – and planetary imperative – by crafting […]

NH Senate Finance Committee

Voted to Fully Restore the Renewable Energy Fund Statement of Kate Epsen

Executive Director, New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association and

NH CleanTech Council

On NH Senate Finance Vote Today to Fully Restore

NH’s Renewable Energy Fund

Today’s bipartisan 6-0 vote to restore the full balance of the dedicated […]

Important legislation in Vermont – Call your Senators

Greetings friends and local energy committee leaders,

As you likely know, there is a bill under consideration in the Legislature — H.40 aimed primarily at avoiding a likely 6 percent rate increase if Vermont fails to address our current regulatory (double) counting of RECs, which some New England state’s – Connecticut in particular – have […]

Vermont’s Legislative Landscape

for Clean Energy and Climate Action

The Vermont Legislature is exploring a couple of big energy bills that would redouble Vermont’s commitment to reducing fossil fuel consumption and help Vermonters transition to renewable resources.

One bill primarily targets the electric sector. There is also an effort afoot to tackle the state’s […]