Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Monadnock Food Co-op Announces 2022 Farm Fund Grant Recipients

The Wooster family of Picadilly Farm is one of the Monadnock Food Co-op Farm Fund grant recipients. (Scott Hussey)

The Monadnock Food Co-op of southwestern NH announces six grant recipients for the 2022 Monadnock Food Co-op Farm Fund: Picadilly Farm, Partners’ Gardens, Grow a Pear Farm, Flying Cloud Dairy, Brookfield Farm, and […]

Agriculture and the Habit of Eating Meat—Paths to a Healthful Future

Books reviewed by Janis Petzel, MD

Meat Me Halfway—How Changing the Way We Eat Can Improve our Lives and Save Our Planet by Brian Kateman. Prometheus Books, Guilford, CT 2022.

Farming for Our Future-The Science, Law and Policy of Climate-Neutral Agriculture. Peter H. Lehner and Nathan A. Rosenburg. Environmental Law Institute. 2021.


Endocrine Disruptors in our Modern World

How about a yoga class on the beach to release those everyday stressors? (Kaylee Garrett, Unsplash,

Larry Plesent

Hormones are chemical messengers that signal cells to do things. Humans and all animals, plants, fungi and even bacteria produce similar hormone messenger molecules. Hormones tell our bodies to change as we […]

Fast Food

Perennial fast foods of asparagus and rhubarb grow at Elmore Roots Nursery (Courtesy photos).

David Fried

I go out for fast food almost every day. I go out to the garden.

Here by May 24th the asparagus has grown about two feet tall in the last five minutes.

I […]

Sheep Keep the Farm in “Solar Farming”

Agrivoltaic Solutions’ flock of sheep graze near St. Michael’s College’s solar farm. (Photos: Agrivoltaic Solutions)

Michael J. Daley

The typical “solar farm’ with large swaths of – to some – beautiful glistening blue solar panels may look like a monolithic ground cover when glimpsed from the highway, but in fact there […]

Oil and Humans, Part 2

Little spinner in Globe Cotton Mill, Augusta, Georgia. Overseer said she was regularly employed. (Photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine, January 1909, U.S. Library of Congress)

Janis Petzel, M.D.

How did we go from tens of thousands of years of simply collecting pitch from naturally occurring tar pits, to the mass extraction […]

Warm and Cool Homes – Part Two:

Wallace-Brill Home

The Wallace-Brill net-zero home is a post and beam construction. (Wes Golomb)

Wes Golomb and Bob Irving

Our society’s well-being is dependent upon our ability to move from a fossil-fuel economy to an economy based on sustainable energy. A path to this goal can be described as the “three-legged […]

Concrete Decarbonization:

The Cement Industry’s Decarbonization Plan Is a Good First Step

Matt Power

Uncoupling concrete use and production from the tangled chain of materials and processes required to make it will require more than good intentions.

As recently as September 2021, several news articles, including one in Nature, seemed to take a sudden […]

Efficiency Vermont’s Best of the Best Awards

Efficiency Vermont’s Bryn Oaklef presents Chad Farnum of Farnum Insulators with the Efficiency Vermont EEN Partner of the Year award. (Courtesy photo)

G.E.T. Staff

During April’s Better Buildings by Design conference, two businesses were recognized for Efficiency Vermont’s Best of the Best (BOB) awards from the Efficiency Excellence Network (EEN). Farnum […]

Zero Accessory Dwelling Units: Low Income Housing that Works

A Zero Accessory Dwelling Unit in Bend, Oregon provides affordable small, well-designed living spaces with no energy bills. (Joe Emerson)

Joe Emerson

We all know there is a considerable lack of affordable housing in the U.S. and that addressing it effectively has been challenging. Now that many states and municipalities are […]