Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Global Warming Acceleration

(GET editor’s note: We are providing the first couple of paragraphs of this article and a link to the website at Columbia University. We do want all of our readers to be aware of the conclusion, however, and so we start by quoting the article’s last paragraph:

Global temperature prognostication: 2021 will be cooler than […]

Dr. James Hansen speaks out from China

American Geophysical Union + Chinese Academy of Sciences

24 October 2018 James Hansen I was privileged to give one of the keynote talks at the first joint meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The meeting was timely and propitious. Both of these nations and the world […]

A New Metaphor

Rock Concert fire show (Les Panchyshyn, Wikimedia Commons)

By George Harvey

Freedom of speech?

Imagine being in at a really great indoor rock concert. You got a really good seat, about five rows back from the stage and right in the center of the theater. Exiting out will be a […]

We aren’t doomed by climate change. Right now we are choosing to be doomed.

We could prevent New York Magazine’s climate change doomsday scenario, but keep voting not to.

Credit: KC Green

New York Magazine has stirred up a firestorm of debate by publishing a worst-case scenario for climate change this week, “The Uninhabitable Earth” by David Wallace-Wells.

Responses […]


The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed To Reverse Global Warming

Review by Nancy Rae Mallery, Publisher, Green Energy Times

Most of us realize that we are facing the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to deal with. It is climate change.

It is a scientifically proven fact that the world […]

Climate of Hope

How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet

Michael Bloomberg speaking with Elon Musk at the Climate Summit for Local Leaders. All images courtesy of St. Martin’s Press

Edited by Paul Hawken, Penguin Books, 2017, 240 pages, $22.00

Book review by N. R. Mallery

This is the second book […]

VNRC Statement on U.S. Climate Accord Retraction

Shortsighted Decision Puts Onus and Opportunities on States to Act

Yesterday’s announcement by President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement is a deeply shortsighted move.

“This decision not only fails to protect vulnerable people and future generations but it leaves the greatest economic development opportunity this world has ever […]

Governor Cuomo Announces Initiative

A Major Climate And Jobs Initiative In Partnership With The Worker Institute At Cornell University Ilr’s School And Climate Jobs Nyto Help Create 40,000 Clean Energy Jobs By 2020

Initiative Will Accelerate Renewable Energy Growth With up to $1.5 Billion Investment in Renewable Energy Projects

Largest Clean Energy Procurement by […]

Donald Trump Makes America Irrelevant

The United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.

By George Harvey

President Donald Trump made his long-awaited decision on the Paris Climate Accord. He announced:

“Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord – Thank […]

Largest Civil Disobedience in History of the Environmental Movement Begins Today

Starting today, a global wave of peaceful direct actions lasting for 12 days will take place across six continents targeting the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel projects, under the banner of Break Free.

2015 was the hottest year ever recorded and the impacts of climate change are already hitting communities around the world. From […]