Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
By N.R. Mallery and Thaddeus Rumple
Now is the time to prepare for winter. There is still time to prepare for this winter. If you wait until spring, it is time to prepare for next winter.
The easiest place to start is with efficiency. Air intrusions are among the biggest villains around, when it comes […]
366 solar trackers and 8,784 JA Solar modules at Claire Solar in So. Burlington, Vt., the largest solar installation of its kind in North America
Since the last edition of Green Energy Times went to press, we have seen two more large solar arrays put online in Vermont. Both are in the state’s […]
This home’s design is based generally on the European passive house model. It is highly insulated, south facing and as air tight as possible. There is a heat recovery ventilation system which lets in fresh air while the solar hot water panels provide for the domestic hot water load and the solar electric panels provide […]
Moving our moral compass toward action on climate change
By Johanna Miller
I don’t consider myself a religious person. I don’t affiliate with any particular ideology or attend church regularly. I do, however, believe in God, higher powers and the golden rule.
Courtesy of the EnvironmentalDefense Fund.
“Do unto others as you […]
No Sun at Night? No Problem!
By George Harvey
Solar PV panels at sunset at NRG’s Blythe Solar Farm. Photo: Flickr/ Charlie Waterfall
In May, we learned that Barclays, the international finance bank, had downgraded the status of bonds from all utilities in the United States because they believed the market had failed […]
Is your favorite fall tradition threatened by climate change?
By Heather Shelby
Every autumn one of the favorite parts of my childhood was to pile into the car and drive out to an orchard, where miles of forest stretched out all around us. There, we’d fill our bags with perfect ruby apples and go home […]
By George Harvey, staff
The IPCC has released the third part of its Fifth Assessment Report. The first two parts were a summary for policy makers, released in September of 2013, and a report on impacts and vulnerabilities of climate change, released in March of 2014. The third part is about mitigation – what we […]
A New State Energy Strategy
By Kate Epsen
One year ago, the New Hampshire State Legislature passed Senate Bill 99, which directed the state to create a ten- year energy strategy. Championed by Governor Maggie Hassan and many state legislators as a critical step toward NH’s innovation economy and energy future, this strategy—well-underway since the […]
But a new day is dawning!
By George Harvey, staff
If you are aware of science and its projections about climate change, you might be more than a little frightened. The likely effects of a 2.75°C (5°F) increase in the temperature of the planet are unpleasant even to think about – including, among other […]
… a pipeline of wind and solar projects!
by Glen Estill
Gas in storage continues to decline at an alarming rate. Natural gas in storage has dropped to 1,000 billion cubic feet. This is 49% below the same time last year, and 46% below the five-year average. Gas in storage dropped by 195 billion cubic […]
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