The December 2023 Green Energy Times is now available online. You can read it HERE.
You can get links to the individual articles in the pdf file HERE,
The December 2023 Green Energy Times is now available online. You can read it HERE. You can get links to the individual articles in the pdf file HERE, To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to Clearing Up the Gray Areas. How Envelope Remote Conditions Monitoring (ERCM) can influence modern building practices A sample graph of results from an Envelope Remote Conditions Monitoring system (photo: Nate Gusakov A large part of modern high-performance building design and […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to Health, Wellness, and High-Performance Building.
Karla Butterfield, Sustainability Director, Steven Winter Associates, Inc. Making a Business Case Today’s homeowner knows more about carbon reduction, […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to Bite the Frost Efficient Building Design Updates.
George Harvey Bite the Frost (BTF) is a small architectural and mechanical HVAC design firm that specializes in space, […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to Geothermal IRA Opportunities and Calculator.
Geothermal HVAC: IRA Opportunities and the Geo Economics Calculator Tool Joe Parsons The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 is a […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to Geothermal Expands in New York’s Capital Region and Scroll down.
Albany-Based Energy Catalyst Awarded $5 Million DOE Grant to Expand Geothermal Heat Pump Manufacturing Facility in New York’s […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to America’s First ‘Enhanced’ Geothermal Plant is Operational.
America’s First ‘Enhanced’ Geothermal Plant is Operational Next-generation geothermal could be a huge source of carbon-free power. A first-of-a-kind project […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to System M Makes Energy-Efficiency Work for Wichita Business.
Wichita Business Works for Energy Efficiency with System M John Vastyan There’s a 68-year-old home in suburban Wichita, […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to Music for Sustainability – Welcome to the Reusiverse.
Jessie Haas Music: Uplifting. Concert venues after the crowd goes home? Not so much. Concert goers in the U.S. […] Please Note: This file was posted for search engines to find the article. To see the article as it appeared in print, please go to NH Saves Is Back Before the PUC
Sam Evans-Brown Imagine you could go to the store and purchase a coupon for one dollar, and that coupon […] |
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