Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

CSWD Launches Grant Program to Fund Innovations in Recycling

The Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) is launching a new grant program to help create or improve markets for hard-to-recycle products and packaging from Chittenden County.

The Recycling Market Development Grant Program will invest up to a total of $30,000 into projects that support or develop recycling markets for targeted materials — those that make […]

Got leaves? Here’s where to bring them! 

It’s officially Fall. The leaves know it — they’re already tinged with a Crayola box of color and launching themselves from the treetops and into your yard. And those once-glorious gardens are starting to look a little scraggly. Here’s what to do with all those heaps of leaves and garden debris:


Celebrate International Compost Awareness Week!

The Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) and Green Mountain Compost are joining the rest of the planet in celebrating International Compost Awareness Week, May 3-9, with a roster of fun, soil-boosting workshops and activities. Check out the list below and reserve your spot at CSWD’s Compost Awareness Week web page at

CSWD holds public hearings on new Solid Waste Implementation Plan

The Chittenden Solid Waste District has rewritten its Solid Waste Implementation Plan (SWIP) to comply with the State of Vermont’s Materials Management Plan (MMP). The MMP contains performance standards, including those focused on implementing Act 148 (Vermont’s universal recycling and composting law), that each solid waste entity must meet to achieve the following goals:

Prevent […]

Sustainability Academy to throw trash on lawn

On Friday, December 12, K-5 students, staff, and parents of The Sustainability Academy in Burlington will toss a day’s worth of trash onto the lawn. They’re doing this to get a gander at what should have been recycled or composted instead of thrown in the garbage can and, ultimately, the landfill. This effort will establish […]

From CSWD:

Learn how to compost your food scraps in your own backyard – FREE!

You’ve been thinking about it. You see your friends make it look so easy. You see others make it look so hard. It’s time to find out for yourself how to make compost happen right in your own backyard.


July’s News from CSWD

The Rover is coming to your town!

The Rover is the mobile household hazardous waste collection unit that hibernates at the Environmental Depot, CSWD’s year-round hazardous waste collection facility in South Burlington. While the Depot takes hazardous materials all year long, the Rover will stop once in each town, until mid-October.

The Rover accepts household […]

CSWD seeks participants for Citizen Advisory Committee

The Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) is forming a Citizen Advisory Committee to get public input on a proposal to change how trash and recycling is picked up from households in Chittenden County. CSWD has been examining a system called “consolidated collection,” whereby the County is divided into trash and recycling collection districts. […]

Vermont’s Battery Recycling Law

First-in-nation single-use battery recycling mandate signed into law in Vermont

Montpelier, Vermont – Start saving your flashlight batteries for recycling: On May 22, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed into law Act 139, the first battery recycling law of its kind in the country. Act 139 lays the groundwork for free and convenient recycling of […]

From CSWD:

Free Compost Demos, Live Music, Kids Activities, and Film at Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center

CSWD and local partners are throwing a huge, FREE party for compost and you’re invited! We’ve got all kinds of fun for the kids, workshops and activities for adults, great munchies, live […]