Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
Harvest with standard agricultural equipment operating between rows of solar panels. (Courtesy photo)
George Harvey
Farmers must work hard. People accept that to the point that it seems almost legendary. Farmers have to live with the realities of drought, floods, infestations of pests, late frosts in the spring, and early frosts […]
$1,000,000 in LMI Community Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Project Grants
NHDOE issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking proposals for community solar photovoltaic (PV) projects that will provide direct benefits to New Hampshire low, moderate, or low and moderate income (LMI) residential electric customers who reside within the same electric distribution utility service territory.
Proposals must […]
Expanded Solar For All Program to Serve Nearly 175,000 Income-Eligible National Grid Customers
Supports the Climate Act Mandate for at Least 35 Percent, with a Goal of 40 Percent, of the Benefits of Clean Energy Investments Be Directed to Disadvantaged Communities
The New York Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in […]
Community Solar Opportunity When: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Enjoy the benefits of solar without installing it on your roof or in your backyard.
The Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op of Middlebury, VT is offering shares in a new community solar array planned for the closed landfill in Hinesburg. This opportunity […]
When: Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Enjoy the benefits of solar without installing it on your roof or in your backyard.
The Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op of Middlebury, VT is offering shares in a new community solar array planned for the closed landfill in Hinesburg. This opportunity is open to […]
Total capacity added 60 MW, enough solar energy to power the equivalent of 9,800 homes
Total area dedicated to biodiversity over 280 acres
Eden Renewables, a developer of pollinator-friendly community solar farms, is pleased to announce that construction has commenced on 8 new solar farms developed […]
Starlake Lane solar array. Photo courtesy of Norwich Solar Technologies.
George Harvey
Norwich Solar Technologies (NST) recently built a solar installation to provide renewable electricity at reduced prices to sixteen customers, including fourteen single-family homeowners on Starlake Lane in Norwich, Vermont. The system was built on land owned by Twin Pines […]
Travis Tench
City dwellers may laugh at the idea of putting solar on their roofs, but there’s an alternative: community solar.
A 375kW community solar installation atop a warehouse in Bronx, NY. Photo by Travis Tench.
This arrangement goes by many names, including shared solar, community shared solar, and community distributed generation (CDG), […]
The first Multi-Use Community Solar in the State Goes Live
Thetford Strafford Community Solar array. September 11, 2018. Photos courtesy of Nancy Rae Mallery.
George Harvey
The Thetford Strafford Community Solar (TSCS) farm, in Thetford, Vermont, is now operational. Unlike the state’s earlier community solar installations, the TSCS farm has a […]
NH Solar Shares is a partnership between the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative and the NH Electric Cooperative to install community solar systems to benefit low-income families. Each array will be inspired by a task force of local volunteers and be built using funds from grants, crowd funding, individual donors, fundraisers and the state’s solar […]
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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