Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
October 19, 2016 is designated as National Bioenergy Day. This day is a celebration of bioenergy that highlights its environmental and economic benefits on the local, state and national levels. It’s sponsored by the Biomass Power Association, Biomass Magazine, the U.S. Industrial Pellet Association, the Biomass Thermal Energy Council, the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association, […]
Modern wood heating systems are a great way to reduce heating bills while improving the environment. That’s why Peter introduced The Biomass Thermal Utilization Act which would make it more affordable for Vermonters to install wood heating systems in homes and businesses. Learn more here about the BTU Act and how biomass […]
Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels — the New Introductory Textbook
By Austin Robert Davis
Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuelsis an innovative new textbook that provides insight into the potential and current advances and benefits of biofuel. Contributions include an extensive list of well-respected university extension programs, such as The University of Vermont Research Extension1, as well […]
October 22
The second annual National Bioenergy Day is scheduled for October 22, 2014. In recognition of National Bioenergy Day, the New Hampshire Wood Energy Council is sponsoring six tours of modern wood heating sites across New Hampshire throughout the week of October 20. Tours are located within one hour’s drive to anyone in the […]
October 6th Free Workshop – Concord, NH
Time: 8 a.m.- noon
Location: NH Dept of Environmental Services, 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH
Give diesel mechanics an advantage with up-to-date training in biodiesel and its performance in engines. ASE Certified for Continuing Education Credits.
The half-day workshop addresses proper storage techniques […]
Homegrown American Fuels Support 598 Jobs, $25.0 Million in Wages
WASHINGTON, DC — The Fuels America coalition today released an economic impact study by John Dunham & Associates showing the far-reaching benefits of renewable fuels for Vermont workers and businesses.
Renewable fuels now represent nearly 10% of America’s fuel […]
The Vermont Bioenergy Initiative offers local perspective in response to recent ethanol news and shares new statewide bioenergy website resource
Montpelier, VT — A report published this week in Nature Climate Change indicated that ethanol made from corn residue can reduce soil carbon and increase CO2 emissions, indicating the harvested leftovers from corn are “worse […]
By George Harvey
It was not all that long ago that waste of all kinds was simply dumped into rivers. There were no laws to protect the environment, and conventional ‘wisdom’ was that the environment could absorb just about anything we wanted to throw at it, from plastic bags to plutonium.
Vehicles that […]
Oilseeds, Grass & Algae Each Hold a Place in Vermont’s Renewable Energy Future
By Sarah Galbraith, program manager of the Vermont Bioenergy Initiative
Algae incubation lab at UVM courtesy General Systems Research
The term “bioenergy” refers to renewable energy fuels and feedstocks derived from biological sources and the power resulting from their use. […]
Converting Biogas into Vehicle Fuel
Event Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2013 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Join us for a free one-hour webinar that will describe how municipalities and commercial enterprises around the world are converting biogas from wastewater treatment plants, landfills and organic waste into fuel for their light-duty and heavy-duty CNG fleets.
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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