Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

11th Annual Pedal Power to the People

Saturday, August 10th @ Fledgling Farmstead, Tunbridge, VT

Join us Saturday, August 10th at 213 Bicknell Hill Road in Tunbridge as we kick off an unforgettable day of Bikes, Backroads, and Birds at the Fledgling Farmstead in Tunbridge. Pedal your way through breathtaking Vermont towns as you support a fantastic cause – […]

The Carbon Footprint of E-Bikes vs. Conventional Bikes

Do e-bikes recharged off the fossil-fuel grid actually generate fewer carbon emissions than conventional human-powered bikes?

EarthTalk® From the Editors of E – The Environmental Magazine

If you factor in the carbon emissions associated with producing and delivering the extra food required to feed a rider of a conventional bicycle, charging up an […]

FREE Basic Bike Maintenance workshop

It’s not too late to get your bike ready for the road! Sign up for our FREE Basic Bike Maintenance workshop at the Upper Valley Food Co-op on Thursday, June 29, from 6-7:30 pm. E-mail Bethany to register, and visit the Vital Communities website to learn more.


The National Bike Challenge Begins May 1!

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: the National Bike Challenge starts this Sunday.

Sign up today and start tracking your rides. (It’s free, fun and easy.)

Compete with your friends, co-workers and neighbors for a chance to win new prizes each month.

Get more out of your miles. Join the Challenge today!


Vermont rally for safe roads

Dear Members, Activist and Friends,

Tomorrow you can join the call to make our roads and streets safe places for everyone to walk, run and ride. Together with the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance, AAA, Ride Safe Vermont, and many others, Local Motion is organizing Vermont’s first-ever statewide rally for safe roads tomorrow evening, Friday, September […]

Vermont Working to Redefine Bike Transportation Statewide

First Effort of its Kind in the Nation

Go! Vermont and VBike are collaborating to help propel Vermont forward in redefining bike transportation by positioning the Green Mountain State as a leader in bold approaches to bike design and technology. In addition, VSECU is helping to make these innovative bike solutions […]

The Challenge …

Riders, start your engines! The National Bike Challenge kicks off this Friday, May 1. Sign up and track your rides for the opportunity to win bike gear (and a year’s supply of toilet paper!). Learn more at

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