Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
By Jonny Finity
As a species, we often take for granted our superiority to the rest of the animal kingdom. We point to the great cities we have built; the mechanical systems that we have engineered; the enormous problems our magnificent brains have enabled us to solve. And yet…
Reminders of humanity’s success are easy […]
Image: Wikipedia
By Susan Inglis
When people first hear of our organization, they often ask, “What is sustainable furniture, anyway?” I usually explain that there are many different possible answers to the question, and I am happy to take as much time as they have in elaborating! But time is precious. In a […]
Just in Time for Gardening 2018
Children amazed on how LEDdynamics™ EverGrōT8® work during a makers fair in 2017. Courtesy photo.
By George Harvey & N. R. Mallery
Ever since we first heard of LEDdynamics, Inc.’s™ EverLED® lights, which are drop-in replacements for four foot lights in many fluorescent fixtures, we […]
Celebrate Community and the Planet
KEENE, NH – Monadnock Food Co-op presents the Monadnock Region Earth Festival on April 21, 2018, from noon to 4:00 pm (rain date of April 22). This free public event takes place outdoors around the Co-op and along the bike path, leading to the Railroad Square Park in Keene.
This […]
Image: Gabe Temepesta
By David Fried
Somewhere, on the plains of Africa, there are giraffes with long tongues reaching into the trees for food. For thousands of years there has been enough. They move freely between groves and down below, smaller animals find what they need, too — down to the beetles and […]
An Answer to “Magic Hot Button Ingredient” Diets
By Larry Plesent
Did you ever notice how most diets (like cosmetics and supplements) are marketed around a “magic hot button ingredient”? Are you counting carbs? Avoiding sugars? Bulking up on meat? Do you take handfuls of pills for breakfast? Wake to the […]
Solar Installations to Provide Significant Amount of Electricity for Hobart and William Smith Colleges Investment Complements “Finger Lakes Forward” – The Region’s Comprehensive Strategy to Revitalize Communities and Grow the Economy
Professor of Economics and Chair of Entrepreneurial Studies, Tom Drennen (right), at Hobart and William Smith Colleges talks to students during a […]
Image: Kyle Spradley, Flickr
By Daisy Dunne
Billed as a more environmentally friendly way to rear cattle, grass-fed beef has been the red meat of choice for many a climate-conscious carnivore.
Indeed, research has suggested that grazing cattle can help offset global warming by stimulating soil to take up more carbon from the […]
Not Just Yet
Published at
LED light bulbs have transitioned from a fledgling technology to a major market player in recent years, with more than 450 million installed nationwide as of 2016. With Americans increasingly choosing LEDs, and federal standards set to increase efficiency levels for general […]
By Barb and Greg Whitchurch
Better Buildings by Design (BBD), an annual conference held in Burlington and sponsored by Efficiency Vermont, covers residential and commercial building, sustainability, building systems and remote monitoring, lighting, heating and cooling, building standards, construction techniques, regulatory policy, green energy, the latest in building science, energy modeling, and so much […]
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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