Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
You can now view the full version of our current issue of Green Energy Times from the ‘Current & Past Issues’ Quick Link here in the left side of this page.
There is a lot of exciting information in this issue, like where to find Solar Installers in your area, Green Builders, Building Efficiency and […]
Born and raised in Shaftsbury, Vermont, Andrew K. Newell is a member of the U.S. Ski Team 2014.
By Andrew K. Newell
Having competed in three Olympic Games I’ve been a part of the winter sports community for quite some time. From Torino, Italy to Sochi, Russia I’ve experienced different venues over the […]
By Deborah DeMoulpied
While Earth Day has evolved into a carbon-alert-climate-change moment, it originally started from the idea that it was time to “clean up” our environment. Back in the 70s it was “Keep America Beautiful,” “Every Litter Bit Hurts,” the “Clean Air and Clean Water Act,” and trying to keep rivers from catching on […]
By Erin A. Winter, MD
In a nesting fit during my first pregnancy this past fall, I was searching for paint for the nursery and was referred to milk paint for its no-chemical benefits.
I had never heard of milk paint before, but some quick research showed it to: (1) be easy; (2) no more […]
By G.E.T. Staff
In the old days, even before electric fans, awnings provided a measure of relief from the heat of a summer day. In those days, an awning and an open window for some ventilation was about the best a person could do to keep cool during the heat of the summer. Like many […]
Staff article
The advantage of using electricity over fossil fuels for your outdoor power equipment is substantial. Switching to electric mowers has a major impact on lowering emissions as well as saving you money.
Two Lithium lawnmowing options. No gas or oil, no emissions, no maintenance, quiet…
Outdoor power equipment such as […]
Spring is right around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about your yard!
From Cornerstone Tree Care
Compost your leaves and other garden waste at home instead of bagging and carting them to the transfer station. All that material is food for your plants and trees. Why pay for compost from […]
Concerns for our Health and the Planet
By EarthTalk®
“Synthetic biology” (or “synbio”) refers to the design and fabrication of novel biological parts, devices and systems that do not otherwise occur in nature. Many see it as an extreme version of genetic engineering (GE). But unlike GE, whereby genetic information with certain desirable traits from […]
By Larry Pleasant
And this month’s special ingredient is….TOLUENE.
photo credit:
If you have asthma you may already have heard of toluene; 72% of all asthmatics or over 20 million Americans are highly reactive to it. Toluene, like the other “enes,” i.e., xylene and benzene cause cancer so it is probably a […]
We’ve got exciting news to share! The Neighboring Food Co-op Association (NFCA) and the Cooperative Fund of New England (CFNE) have been working together over the last few years to help our member food co-ops make healthy food and co-op ownership more accessible to all community members. Recently, many of these food co-ops have moved […]
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