Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
Does your organization operate an exemplary energy efficiency program? Do you know of an energy efficiency program that has achieved high participation rates, utility bill savings, better indoor air quality, job creation, or additional benefits? Do you believe this exemplary program deserves an award that can inspire other programs to replicate its success?
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) released the following statement from Steven Nadel, its executive director, in response to the U.S. House of Representatives passing HR 1, which would repeal key energy efficiency and electrification investments from the Inflation Reduction Act:
“This bill would leave many Americans continuing to live in homes with […]
Residential Retrofits for Energy Equity (R2E2) is hosting a series of training webinars for potential applicants to the Department of Energy’s Building Upgrade Prize (Buildings UP). The prize is awarding over $22 million in cash prizes and technical assistance to teams with winning ideas to accelerate equitable energy efficiency and building electrification […]
By Mark Rodeffer, ACEEE Press Secretary
Many U.S. households will pay significantly more for home heating costs—sometimes hundreds of dollars more—this winter. The burden falls disproportionately to low-income and Black, Hispanic, and Native American households, which pay a much larger share of their income on energy bills. Amid the rising costs, policymakers, regulators, […]
By Ben Jennings, Research Assistant, Transportation Program
This blog post is the second in a series taking a closer look at the findings of the 2021 City Clean Energy Scorecard. An earlier post looked at cities’ progress on energy equity.
Few cities have adequately enabled the use of efficient, low-carbon modes of transportation, according […]
Date and time: Thursday, February 24, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
As states and utilities set ambitious decarbonization goals, the case for leveraging demand-side measures to reduce emissions is stronger than ever. The ways in which utility energy efficiency programs are designed, operated, and evaluated must evolve to ensure they are on […]
By Steven Nadel, Executive Director
As Congress prepares its budget reconciliation package, one of the most effective ways it can reduce the large greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the industrial sector is by supporting commercialization of transformative industrial technologies.
The federal government has funded research, development, and demonstration projects for some of the critical […]
A Biden administration proposal to set long-overdue efficiency standards for manufactured homes would yield some significant energy and carbon savings, but it risks allowing manufacturers to continue producing many inefficient models, leaving residents—including many low-income households—with high energy costs.
Energy efficiency requirements for manufactured homes (sometimes called mobile homes) have not been updated […]
By Wendy Koch, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many low- to moderate-income households have struggled to pay their energy bills, as millions have lost critical income and many face higher utility bills because of increased time spent at home. Their homes, in particular, would benefit from energy-saving upgrades to reduce […]
Biden’s Plan Needs These Bold Measures to Better Tackle the Climate Crisis
By Steven Nadel, Executive Director
As we recently noted, President Joe Biden’s proposed jobs and infrastructure plan includes unprecedented investments to address climate change, in part through energy efficiency. So far, the proposal is high level, with […]
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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