Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Let’s Celebrate the 4th with a goal for Energy Independence!

by Nancy Rae Mallery Publisher – Green Energy Times

As we celebrate the independence of our country this 4th of July, I have to think that we have missed the boat. True independence for our country will occur when we are Energy Independent, as well. We have a long ways to go! Too […]


The RESILIENT DESIGN, SUSTAINABLE BUILDING, AND GREEN ENERGY FORUMS are functional, but we need people to ask questions and provide answers.

Please create an account so you can login to the forums, poke around, leave a comment or start a new section.

We need your input! Please spread the word.

So far the spammers are […]

Schedule Changes for the Energy Generation Siting Policy Commission

Vermont Public Service Department Announces Schedule Revisions and Additions for Upcoming Public Hearings and Meetings of Energy Generation Siting Policy Commission

The Governor’s Energy Generation Siting Policy Commission has rescheduled its sixth deliberation meeting, which was originally scheduled for March 20 but was postponed due to inclement weather. The meeting will now take place on […]

Sanders, Boxer to Introduce Major Climate Change Legislation

WASHINGTON, Feb 14 – Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) will hold a news conference today to announce comprehensive legislation on climate change. Boxer is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Sanders serves on the environment committee and also is a member of the Senate energy […]

Global Warming: Reality & Solutions for Vermont

Keep the Oil In the Ground!

Are you feeling the climate crisis? From Vermont’s extreme weather events to the severe droughts of the Midwest to the vanishing Arctic ice sheet, it is hard at times to stay hopeful about the future of our planet. Hope is found in our collective actions and […]

Don’t miss this: The Vermont Community Energy & Climate Action Conference

opportunity to join municipal officials, technical experts, state and regional planners and others interested in saving energy, reducing waste and developing renewable energy solutions to tackle climate change. […]

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:5 – Naresh Giangrande on running two workshops (not at the same time)

At this year’s Transition Network conference (full workshop list here), Naresh Giangrande of Transition Training is co-presenting two workshops, ‘Good Lives Don’t Have to Cost the Earth’ with Jules Peck and Inez Aponte, and ‘An Introduction to the Transition Thrive Training’. We asked him what he had planned for the workshops, and why […]

First Turbine Erected at Kingdom Community Wind Project

The initial turbine is the first of 21 Vestas V112 3.0-megawatt turbines to be erected on Lowell Mountain that will generate enough renewable electricity for more than 24,000 Vermont homes. […]

Living with a Wind Farm in your Midst

What is it REALLY like, to live with an actual ‘Wind Farm in your Midst’? […]

Repeal $113 billion of tax-breaks, handouts, & subsidies for the fossil fuel industry!

paying them a performance bonus for wrecking the climate. We’ll never get to renewable energy if we keep handing gobs of money to oil and coal and gas. …we need to come out as strong as possible. Add your voice to a brand new effort to end fossil fuel subsidies… […]