Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
Example of a potential micro-hydro site
Funding Opportunity!
Little Green Hydro, LLC (LGH) seeks farms in Vermont and/or New Hampshire to install and use the EcoHydro System with funding provided by LGH and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
LGH has successfully completed USDA-REAP programs in prior years based on our Eco-Hydro System and […]
You can now view the full version of our current issue of Green Energy Times from the ‘Current & Past Issues’ Quick Link here in the left side of this page.
There is a lot of exciting information in this issue, like where to find Solar Installers in your area, Green Builders, Building Efficiency and […]
Happy Birthday Mr. President… May you make all the right choices this year and make this your best year yet… […]
By James Perkins
Microhydro Benefits
Today’s microhydro technology can provide the lowest-cost per kilowatt-hour of any renewable source and can be responsibly installed in an environmentally-sustainable manner. Vermont has thousands of viable sites for microhydro systems that can contribute to meeting the State’s renewable energy goals with small-scale, distributed generation.
Regulatory Barriers
June 1, 2012 Project Pre-Announcement
We are excited to announce a first-of-kind renewable energy project installing an EcoHydro System(TM) at a large dairy farm in Vermont to produce renewable, environmentally-sustainable electricity for the farm’s barns.
October 20, 2012 Project Pre-Announcement
The US Department of Agriculture Rural Energy for America Program (USDA/REAP) […]
Presidential Debate on October 3rd should address climate change & a renewable energy plan of descent away from our dependence on depleting fossil fuels. […]
Vermont’s latest energy statute expands its statewide Clean Local Energy Accessible Now (CLEAN) Program and removes program cap for projects with locational benefits to the power grid […]
paying them a performance bonus for wrecking the climate. We’ll never get to renewable energy if we keep handing gobs of money to oil and coal and gas. …we need to come out as strong as possible. Add your voice to a brand new effort to end fossil fuel subsidies… […]
“We need to get off the fossil fuel bandwagon that keeps us dependent on oil and contributes to climate change. The $113 billion in taxpayer handouts that oil, gas, and coal companies receive should be used to invest in green jobs. It’s time for this corporate welfare to end.” […]
Live! from Boston, MA – NESEA BE12! Here are some of the key notes and pic. Stay tuned as the Conference progresses! more to come… […]
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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