The June issue of Green Energy Times is now available and is being distributed.
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The June issue of Green Energy Times is now available and is being distributed. The digital edition is available as a pdf file Here. Individual articles will be available online soon. The largest wind turbine ever built of LEGOs, and the technicians who built it. Images courtesy of LEGO. Green Energy Times staff article On May 18 and 19, we learned that the Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm, off the coast of England near Liverpool, had been completed and grid-tied. This […] By Marty Castriotta Permaculture, at its core, is about the potential and techniques needed for humans to design their own environments with nature in mind. Using nature’s own principles, permaculture offers the possibility to create food (and other production) systems that become virtually self-maintaining over time. But don’t be fooled; these systems are not […] by David Fried Sometimes what a cat likes, an insect hates. Throughout time, people who have time outdoors have known what to plant to keep insects from biting them constantly. We seem to have forgotten some of these plants and their usefulness and ease of growing. Growing food without poisons.Painting by Gabriel […] Cattle near Wantastiquet Mountain in southwestern New Hampshire (Redjar, Wikimedia Commons) By George Harvey Conventional wisdom on beef and dairy products is that they are responsible for a large part of our greenhouse gas emissions. The issue of how to deal with that is not without its controversies, and there is […] Bee visiting an alfalfa flower (Ivar Leidus, Wikimedia Commons) By George Harvey The Union of Concerned Scientists has released a report on crop rotation, “Rotating Crops, Turning Profits” (UCS report). It is available as a pdf file at . It has a lot to say about the agricultural and environmental advantages […] By George Harvey With climate change, New England’s ocean waters have been warming. Temperatures have been going up in the Gulf of Maine, the waters off Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, about as fast as anywhere on Earth, and Long Island Sound is only slightly better. Climate change is beginning to take a toll on […] I have a longtime friend who identifies himself as a scientist. One of his favorite sayings goes like this, “Most people that think science is a body of facts. It’s not. Science is in reality a method of inquiry.” And he is absolutely correct. Generally speaking, scientific method consists first of observation and measurement. […] The school with the solar arrays on the roofs, installed by Revision Energy of Brentwood, NH. Photo: Revision Energy. With the installation of a rooftop solar array this month, a regional high school and vocational center under construction in Rochester has reached another milestone. The Monarch School of New England broke ground on […] Nightfall at the Washington Irving school – lighting from renewableoff-grid power. Photos: Aris Wind.. By Dan Connor The Public Schools of the Tarrytowns, located about 25 miles north of Manhattan, maintain five campus sites to provide education to over 2,700 students. The school district’s sustainable goals include installing rooftop solar […] |
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