Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

The January Edition of Green Energy Times Is Here

The January, 2025 edition of Green Energy Times has gone to press and will be distributed soon.

The full edition can be downloaded as a pdf file HERE.

Online posts of the individual articles are available HERE.

So What if PFAS are in Your Toilet Paper?

All of the paper product line from Save Trees are toxin-free. (Courtesy image)

N.R. Mallery

On March 13, 2023, an article in The Guardian by Tom Perkins got my attention. It revealed the presence of toxic “forever chemicals” in toilet paper globally. PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), a group of 14,000 chemicals, are […]

Addressing Climate Change at Ski Industries

Great Glen Trails in Gorham, NH (Photo credit: Roger Lohr)

Roger Lohr

The snow sports industry has been in a quandary about climate change. Some in the industry see snow sports as the “canary in the coalmine,” which translates to ski areas facing shorter seasons due to global warming. Statistics show […]

Slowing Down The Fashion Rush


David Conwell

Do you repair your clothing so you can continue wearing it, or don a stylish coat inherited from an aunt? If so, you are a part of the growing “slow fashion” trend, just like members of the Congressional Slow Fashion Caucus. The group is chaired by Chellie Pingree […]

Elmore Roots: Walking the Earth Together

Photo by Joyce Dutka

David Fried

Plants come in all sizes and shapes. They are even more diverse than people. My mom travelled the world and sent back photos of interesting trees and interesting people. She had one-woman shows of her framed photos of people in China, Ecuador, Egypt, Norway, and […]

Ingredient of the Month: Changing Times

Eating a diet of fresh vegetables has shown to increase chromosomal health. If you wish to live a healthier life this is a terrific place to start. (

Larry Plesent

“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”

What an extraordinary time to be alive! Things […]

Is it Time to Think About Our Planet as a Living Being?

Map of the world’s rivers, free-flowing and impacted by human activity. (World Map with Countries)

Cliff Krolick and Kat Tayor

Map of the world’s rivers, free-flowing and impacted by human activity. (World Map with Countries)

It is time to consider our Earth as a living, breathing being possessing systems that keep it running […]

Action is the Antidote to Despair:

A Post-Election Path to Climate Security

(Courtesy of Citizen’s Climate Lobby)

Peter Dugas

There is no sugar-coating what recent election results could mean for climate progress. The new administration has campaigned on rolling back climate successes and responds to near-universal calls for increased climate action with the tired old “drill baby […]

On Borrowed Time

Union of Concerned Scientists’ analysis finds that coastal communities face a sea level rise countdown, with a disturbing number of critical infrastructure assets at risk of frequent flooding.

Michelle Rama-Poccia

Under a blue sky with a cloud streaking across the horizon, a father and child sit on a bench by the […]

Efficiency Maine Receives ‘Leader of the Pack’ Award

Efficiency Maine

Efficiency Maine’s success accelerating the electrification of home heating was honored on October 30 with the prestigious “Leader of the Pack” award from The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The award, which is bestowed every five years, recognizes outstanding energy efficiency programs across the United States. This year […]