Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will host a Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Operating Plan Stakeholder Meeting on September 19, 2024. The meeting will be used to discuss proposed changes to the current Operating Plan. The meeting will be conducted in person and virtually. Members […]
A coal-fired power station silhouetted at sunset, Pocerady, Czech Republic. (AdobeStock_192828957)
Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, EcoWatch
Levels of the three most important greenhouse gases — methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide — in the atmosphere reached record highs again in 2023, according to research conducted by scientists with the National Oceanic and […]
Latest FERC Data For First Half Of 2020:
Renewables Are 57.1% Of New U.S. Generating Capacity
Renewables Are Sole Source Of New Capacity In June Over The Next Three Years,
Renewables Will Add Over 56,000-MW Of New Capacity
Wind And Solar Will Each Provide A […]
By George Harvey
The status quo is widepread environmental destruction. We have all the solutions we need, but some people prefer the status quo. For now, they are getting their way.
Populations of black-footed kittiwakes have declined nearly 80% since the 1980s. (RSPB photo)
We have a problem. The bad […]
States in the RGGI
By George Harvey
The Regional Green Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a market-based program to reduce greenhouse gases in nine states in the Northeast. The states involved are all those in New England, plus New York, Delaware, and Maryland.
The way the RGGI has functioned is to […]
From the NH Union Leader, By DAVE SOLOMON, State House Bureau , August 23. 2017 9:41PM
The nine Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative announced a set of proposals Wednesday for how the so-called “cap and trade” program could continue after 2020, when the current rules expire.
The new […]
You may recall that the “New York State Climate & Community Protection Act” (S8005) was introduced during the 2016 legislative session. It passed the Assembly but was not brought to a vote in the Senate and died. NYRenews, the organization that drafted the original bill, is lobbying to have similar legislation reintroduced in 2017. Unfortunately, […]
Over 1000 Signatures supporting a stronger RGGI program
CONCORD, NH – A coalition of local groups are showing their support for energy saving programs in New Hampshire called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the 9 state program to reduce carbon from power plants. The regional program is currently undergoing its 4 year periodic policy […]
WASHINGTON, April 22 – As the nation marked Earth Day, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) introduced legislation to close tax loopholes and eliminate other subsidies for the oil, gas and coal industries.
Subsidies for polluters now in place are projected to cost taxpayers more than $135 billion in […]
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