Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

GrandyOats: Green & Yummy

GrandyOats co-owners Aaron Anker and Nat Peirce are never too far from their ‘real granola’ roots. Courtesy Photos

By George Harvey

We have great news from GrandyOats, in Hiram, Maine. The company is a certified organic and kosher food producer, specializing in grain products, including hot cereal, trail mix, granola, and […]

Vermont Designates First Three Green Grocery Environmental Leaders

Commodities Natural Market opened one year ago in Stowe. They are a certified Vermont Green Grocer, work with Grow Composting and a myriad of local producers. Another market is opening in Winooski in August, 2016.

Three green grocery businesses have been designated as environmental leaders in Vermont: Healthy Living Market in Burlington, Hunger […]

Bringing Nature and Organically Inspired Elements into Your Interiors

By Jessica Barber Goldblatt

Choose natural elements that incorporate your style and connect you to your home. Examples of natural elements of decor are wood, cotton, stone, clay, brick, wool and seagrass.

Wood as a finish has the ability to transform your mind and soul.

Interior of a modern […]

Franconia, NH: Gale River Motel Now Powered by Solar Energy

Almost done. The fifty-two panel system at Gale River Motel in Franconia, NH has a peak power of 13.8 kW and is expected to produce a yearly total of 15,220 kWh. Photos courtesy of Gale River Motel.

By Kevin Johnson

In January 2016, the Gale River Motel, located in Franconia, NH, completed […]

Winter Cooking in the Solar Oven:

Solavore Smokin’ Chili

Blue sky, fresh snow, and sunshine…winter days are meant for outside play. And why not outside cooking, too? Solar cooking works on the rays of the sun, not the ambient outdoor temperature. Snow on the ground? All the better – it actually works like a big reflector. So strap on snowshoes, set […]

A Wooden Toothbrush is Born in VT

Local entrepreneurs have initiated a kickstarter campaignthat hopes to bring jobs and solutions relatedto brushing your teeth! Photo: Michael Giogio.

Green Energy Times Staff Article

A Vermont start-up company, Wood Brush, is taking on the problem of plastics in landfills by offering each of us a better solution. After two years […]

Plastic Bag Facts!

Heron eats fish in plastic bag. Photo:

Did you know that the amount of petroleum used to make a plastic bag would drive a car about 126 yards. It would take only 14 plastic bags to drive one mile! Also the production of plastic bags requires petroleum and often natural gas and […]

Ingredient of the Month

From the Soapman Blog

The FDA is looking for industry guidance in defining “natural” as it relates to consumer products. Here’s a perspective from the Soapman.

With the coming of the counterculture in the sixties and seventies a new paradigm for the concept of natural arose as applied to consumer products. This […]

Colby-Sawyer College Announces Three-Year Degree in Community-Based Sustainability

In classrooms across the country students are learning about sustainable communities, but at Colby-Sawyer College in New Hampshire, students have stepped outside the class and are using their heads, hearts and hands to create one.

Colby-Sawyer students conducted research and provided sustainable recommendations to the City of Franklin on four areas of […]

Sustainable Schools in the Northeast

The Alan Shepard Boat House solar array is one of six solar arrays at Proctor Academy. Photo courtesy of Revision Energy

By Green Energy Times Staff

Several schools in the Northeast have been in the news. They included some previously covered in Green Energy Times, and some new projects. This is […]