Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

The Beat Goes On

Watercolor painting by Joyce Dutka

David Fried

My friend I grew up with grows organic vegetables as far as the eye can see. He puts stickers on his boxes of cabbage that state, “Let’s get our heads together.” On his boxes of beets another sticker reads, “Beet the system!”

We […]

The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on The Plain

Illustration by Gabriel Tempesta

David Fried

I hear the ice dripping as it is finally above freezing after a long winter.

The hail bouncing off my coat on my morning walk has turned to rain.

On the first warm day each rain drop leaves an animal at the spot where the raindrop touches […]

Coming Attractions in Greenhouse Energy Efficiency


Mike Stiles Ph.D.

Hello, greetings from the front lines of Green Greenhouses. By way of introduction, I’ve consulted with the electric and natural gas utility National Grid in upstate New York for the last several years. I’ve developed methods for quantifying the energy impacts of greenhouse efficiency measures for National Grid’s incentive […]

Monadnock Food Co-op Hosts CSA Farm Fair

A free Monadnock Region CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Fair will take place at the Monadnock Food Co-op cafe on Sunday, March 8, 2020, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Seven area CSA farmers will set up informational tables and answer questions about their farms and CSA memberships.

Although each local CSA farm is unique and […]

Farm Tours during Strolling of the Heifers Weekend

Local farms open for tours on Strolling of the Heifers Weekend Sunday, June 9 — 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Strolling of the Heifers has partnered with six special farms in the Brattleboro area to offer this year’s Stroll Weekend Farm Tour on Sunday, June 9 Each of these farms has something unique to […]

Grazing for Change at Stonewall Farm

Stonewall Farm Hub Launch on September 21, 2018. Image: Karl Thidemann.

Jessie Haas

Julie Davenson, executive director of Stonewall Farm, a non-profit working dairy farm in Keene, NH, was researching regenerative ways to improve Stonewall’s overgrazed pastures when she happened upon the book The Soil Will Save Us, by Kirsten Ohlsen. There she […]

We Have a Problem

By George Harvey

The status quo is widepread environmental destruction. We have all the solutions we need, but some people prefer the status quo. For now, they are getting their way.

Populations of black-footed kittiwakes have declined nearly 80% since the 1980s. (RSPB photo)

We have a problem. The bad […]

NH Electric Co-op Is First in State to Offer Off-Peak EV Charging Rate

To help its members realize the benefits of Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) has become the first electric utility in the state to offer deeply discounted rates to members who charge their EVs during off-peak hours.

EV ownership is on the rise and most auto manufacturers are currently offering or plan […]

‘Tis the Season: Plant Your People, Plant, and Pet Friendly Grass Seed Now

As spring is upon us, we wanted to remind our readers that now and in August/September are the perfect times to seed your lawn. Here is a link to an article published in August 2017 about people, plant, and pet friendly seed needing less mowing and less watering, thus reducing our carbon footprint!



More on Joseph Mangum in Puerto Rico

The forests around Utuado, Puerto Rico, were largely destroyed by the storm. US Department of Agriculture Photo, Master Sgt. Joshua DeMotts | 1st Combat Camera Squadron

By George Harvey

I last posted on the Green Energy Times website about the work Joseph Mangum was doing in Puerto Rico in “Joseph’s First […]