Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere


The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed To Reverse Global Warming

Review by Nancy Rae Mallery, Publisher, Green Energy Times

Most of us realize that we are facing the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to deal with. It is climate change.

It is a scientifically proven fact that the world […]

Climate of Hope

How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet

Michael Bloomberg speaking with Elon Musk at the Climate Summit for Local Leaders. All images courtesy of St. Martin’s Press

Edited by Paul Hawken, Penguin Books, 2017, 240 pages, $22.00

Book review by N. R. Mallery

This is the second book […]

Trump’s Withdrawal

Demonstrators at Copenhagen Climate Talks in 2009. Flickr

By Carl Pope

Donald Trump has done what Al Gore, Jim Hansen, climate scientists, the Sierra Club and the rest of the environmental movement could never do – make climate disruption breaking cable TV news. Trump’s histrionic, largely symbolic and recklessly self-destructive decision to abandon […]

United States Climate Alliance

The Republican governors of Vermont and Massachusetts have come out in support of the Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), joining governors of a growing number of other states.

On June 1, only a short time after President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the PCA, several states started taking a stand in […]

VNRC Statement on U.S. Climate Accord Retraction

Shortsighted Decision Puts Onus and Opportunities on States to Act

Yesterday’s announcement by President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement is a deeply shortsighted move.

“This decision not only fails to protect vulnerable people and future generations but it leaves the greatest economic development opportunity this world has ever […]

Governor Cuomo Announces Initiative

A Major Climate And Jobs Initiative In Partnership With The Worker Institute At Cornell University Ilr’s School And Climate Jobs Nyto Help Create 40,000 Clean Energy Jobs By 2020

Initiative Will Accelerate Renewable Energy Growth With up to $1.5 Billion Investment in Renewable Energy Projects

Largest Clean Energy Procurement by […]

Largest Civil Disobedience in History of the Environmental Movement Begins Today

Starting today, a global wave of peaceful direct actions lasting for 12 days will take place across six continents targeting the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel projects, under the banner of Break Free.

2015 was the hottest year ever recorded and the impacts of climate change are already hitting communities around the world. From […]

Climate Change Awareness and Action Event

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016, 11am to 3pm (Onondaga County, NY)

See renewable energy sources of the future in action today! Learn how they work in our environment. Find out why owners installed them; the costs and benefits and ask your questions!

Climate Change Awareness and Action (CCAA) has arranged a self-guided tour […]

Post Oil Solutions & Climate Change Café and Sugar Shack Alliance Events