Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Obama Center to be LEED Platinum, Zero Energy Certified and Clad in New Hampshire Granite

The Obama Presidential Center, a global center for change (Obama Foundation)

Martin Wahl

The Obama Presidential Center in the South Side of Chicago will conform to LEED Platinum building efficiency standards, ILFI Zero Energy Certification, and SITES environmental standards for outdoor spaces and landscaping. Located at the end of Chicago’s Midway, encompassing over […]

Contractor Spotlight: New Frameworks

New Frameworks’ Building Performance team ensure the heat pump and ductwork are properly insulated. (Courtesy photo)

Interview with Jacob Deva Racusin, Director of Building Science and Sustainability

G.E.T. Staff

How did you get started in this industry?

Jacob Deva Racusin: New Frameworks began as a natural building company in […]

Housing 2.0 – Steps in the Right Direction

Greg Whitchurch

The Problem: The majority of new homes are still built in the old ways, to outdated building code standards at best, and using “same-old, same-old” materials and techniques. How can we entice designers and builders to “up their game” and approach better efficiency standards without scaring them away with expensive and […]

Boston Hosts the World’s Tallest Passive House

What Lessons Can Your Home Design Take From the Winthrop Center?

Winthrop Center, on right. (Winthrop Center)

Greg and Barb Whitchurch

The Winthrop Center in Boston ( is the tallest and largest office building in the world to earn Passive House certification. Located near Faneuil […]

Protecting Affordable Housing While Lowering Energy Bills

Multi-unit apartment house in Burlington, VT (Don Shall/Flickr)


ACEEE’s Energy Equity for Renters initiative is providing ten local governments and community-based organizations with no-cost technical assistance to improve energy efficiency in rental homes while also preserving or expanding affordable housing.

Energy Equity for Renters will work with these […]

Cold Cash: Energy Efficiency Pays Off for Patch’s Market

Ron Patch, owner of Patch’s Market & Deli. (NHEC)

New Hampshire Electric Co-op

Ron Patch knows all about the cost of doing business these days. As the owner of Patch’s Market & Deli in Glen, NH, he’s seen his costs go up on everything from the gas at the pumps to […]

Efficiency Vermont’s Contractor Spotlight: Sisler Builders, Stowe, VT

The Sisler Builders team. (Courtesy photos)

Interview with Steve Sisler, Founder and CEO

Interview by Michael J. Daley

Steve Sisler began his company in 1983 after earning his degree in industrial economics from Union College in Schenectady, NY. For the past 40 years, he and his crews and teams of subcontractors […]

Boston Hosts the World’s Tallest Passive House

What Lessons Can Your Home Design Take From the Winthrop Center?

Winthrop Center, on right. (Winthrop Center)

Greg and Barb Whitchurch

The Winthrop Center in Boston ( is the tallest and largest office building in the world to earn Passive House certification. Located near Faneuil Hall in Boston’s historic district, it also […]

Free Virtual Seminar—High-Performance Home: Energy Efficiency is Only a Good Start

Free Virtual Seminar High-Performance Home: Energy Efficiency is Only a Good Start

In this virtual seminar, green building pioneer Sam Rashkin, former Chief Architect at the Department of Energy and considered the father of ENERGY STAR, will explore how you can optimize sustainable design, building science, and construction best practices as […]

Seeking nominations for award-worthy energy efficiency programs

Does your organization operate an exemplary energy efficiency program? Do you know of an energy efficiency program that has achieved high participation rates, utility bill savings, better indoor air quality, job creation, or additional benefits? Do you believe this exemplary program deserves an award that can inspire other programs to replicate its success?