Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Save the Date: Waterbury, VT LEAP Energy Fair

Vermont: Off-Grid, Energy-efficient Home for Sale

Local Energy Solutions Conference: Friday, November 15th, Concord, NH

Local Energy Solutions Conference Friday Nov 15th 8am-4:30pm The Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference is the event of the year for local energy champions, policymakers, municipal officials, town staff, regulators, and industry representatives. The event is hosted by Clean Energy NH and the LES Workgroup. FOR MORE INFO: click on ad on the right. […]

Here comes TCI?!

Energy Independent Vermont has been advocating for carbon pricing for five years, and we are now seeing some progress. Coming up next week Senate president pro tem Tim Ashe and Deputy Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Peter Walke are hosting separate webinars to introduce and explain the Transportation & Climate Initiative […]

DOE refuses public hearing on a proposal that could gut US appliance standards


DOE refuses public hearing on a proposal that could gut US appliance standards

By Andrew deLaski, Executive Director, Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP)

The Department of Energy (DOE) has quietly issued a proposal that could seriously undermine US energy efficiency standards for many appliances and products — everything from air conditioners […]

NH LES Call for News – What’s On The Warrant for Town Meeting?

Is your community voting on any energy-related warrant articles at year’s Town Meeting? If so, NH Local Energy Solutions Work Group wants to hear about it! Please send a few sentences describing any energy issues your community may be voting on.

Send Us Your News for the March Newsletter – email to!Examples: A brief […]

Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century: EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDING

Early bird registration ends February 28. For reduced fee of $70 adult, $50 student (including breakfast & lunch)


ABOUT THE SYMPOSIUM ON ENERGY in the 21st Century This is our 15th year! The award winning Symposium has been cited as one of the most important conferences on energy policy in New […]

Upper Valley Energy News – February 2019

Vital Communities Updates Last month, we hosted our Weatherize kick-off events, drawing more than 150 people to learn about our eight-town campaign. Don’t worry if you didn’t make it to your town’s kick-off event—residents of Andover, Canaan, Enfield, Newbury, New London, Sutton, Warner, and Wilmot can request their $100 home energy audit any time before […]

What does the ESSEX Plan mean for you?

The prospect of Vermont’s clean energy future is powerful and exciting, but have you ever considered what it would look like specifically for you and your household?

Now’s the chance to find out just how you’d be impacted by an economy-strengthening climate action plan by signing up for a free ESSEX (Economy Strengthening Strategic […]

Belknap, NH County Energy Forum

Whether you are a homeowner, business owner, community organizer/concerned citizen, or are responsible for a municipal, school, or healthcare facility, energy innovation opportunities are available and waiting for you. Come learn about new technologies and incentives to help you take action. Our communities, state, nation and the globe depend on our energy consciousness and preparedness. […]