Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
Ok, so it’s the middle of July. Skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing are probably the furthest things from a lot of people’s minds. But for those who cherish Vermont’s snowy winters and everything they bring with them, global warming and the failure of our national leaders to grapple with this crisis is alarming no matter […]
900 Citizens Climate Lobby volunteers before visiting 502 Congressional offices on June 21, 2016. Photo: Citizens Climate Lobby.
By John Gage
The transition to clean energy is underway, but not fast enough to prevent life-changing consequences from greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the major contributor to climate change, sea level rise, and […]
Montpelier, VT – Vermont legislators today proposed four tax reforms that would:
Create jobs and strengthen the Vermont economy, Prioritize low- and middle-income Vermonters, and Reduce the carbon pollution causing global warming.
“Our bills are conversation starters,” said Representative Johannah Leddy Donovan, a member of the tax-writing Ways & Means Committee and Chair […]
Bill to Phase Out Sales Tax in Vermont and Address Climate Change
Green Energy Times received the following media advisory, which we believe could be extremely significant, from State Representative Sarah Copeland Hanzas:
Who: State Representative Sarah Copeland Hanzas, Rep. David Deen, and special guests
What: Tax Reform and […]
It has been an up and down week. On the down side, President Trump’s budget is a handbook of climate denialism. He eliminates almost every federal program designed to study, prepare for, or protect Americans from the threat of global warming.
On the plus side, I was thrilled to join Vermont Representative David Deen […]
To See if the Town will Support Policies Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions to a Sustainable 3 Tons Per Person Per Year
Whereas carbon dioxide released from combustion of fossil fuels beyond sustainable levels maintained by soil, forests, and oceans, poses an existential threat to our Town and to all Towns;
Whereas we can […]
A Proposal for Sustainable Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Roy Morrison. This picture was taken in a tropical rainforest. Photo taken by his wife, Luanne Bakero
By Roy Morrison
The following is a grassroots campaign to support a sustainable global carbon dioxide emissions standard of three tons of carbon dioxide per person […]
VPIRG joined with other members of the Energy Independent Vermont coalition to deliver 25,241 postcards and petition signatures to Vermont lawmakers – all supporting a price on carbon pollution.
At the delivery on the State House steps, we heard from:
Fran Putnam, chair of the Weybridge Energy Committee, who said she was inspired […]
Grassroots Activists to Deliver Thousands of Calls for Bold Climate Action
Montpelier, VT – On Monday, November 30, representatives of the Energy Independent Vermont coalition will deliver thousands of postcards and petitions to legislators at the Statehouse demanding that they “tackle global warming and save Vermonters money by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.”
Vermonters […]
With the start of the 2016 Legislative Session only two months away, momentum is building for Vermont to support decisive climate policy. Energy Independent Vermont is helping to build a foundation for a Carbon Pollution Tax that will help turn this proposed bill into a significant step to decrease Vermont’s carbon production, while helping Vermonters […]
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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