Headline News:
- “In Historic Vote, California Becomes Largest Economy In World To Call For Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty” • In a historic move, a resolution calling on the State of California to endorse the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty passed in the State Assembly, making California the largest economy in the world to support the proposal. [CleanTechnica]

Golden Gate Bridge (Joseph Barrientos, Unsplash)
- “Wyoming Could Reap More Than $7 Billion If It Takes Full Advantage Of The IRA But There Are Many Challenges” • All of Wyoming’s representatives in Washington DC voted against the Inflation Reduction Act. A recent analysis by RMI shows that Wyoming could get more than $7 billion dollars by making use of it. Here is an interview. [Wyoming Public Media]
- “US Solar Panel Shipments Set Record High In 2022” • In 2022, solar photovoltaic panel shipments in the US increased 10% from 2021, which had been the previous record year. Shipments for 2022 were 31.7 million peak kW, based on the EIA’s latest data. In 2022, about 88% of US solar panel shipments were imported, primarily from Asia. [CleanTechnica]
- “US Gas Prices Rising Going Into Labor Day” • On the Monday before the Labor Day weekend, the average retail price of regular gasoline in the US $3.81/gal. Over the past five weeks, production cuts by Saudi Arabia, low US gasoline inventories, and refinery maintenance have increased the regular gasoline retail price by 6%, or 22¢/gal. [CleanTechnica]
- “Fossil Fuels Failed Kentucky Utility Customers During Winter Blackouts” • Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities implemented rolling blackouts for more than 50,000 customers on the coldest day of the year last winter. They had blamed the forced outages on a natural gas supply disruption, but testimony reveals coal power failed too. [WKMS]
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