Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Inter-Community Idea Share Workshop: February 15


Join VECAN next Wednesday, February 15th, for the next webinar in VECAN’s 2023 Winter Workshop Series – Inter-Community Idea Share: Cross-Pollinating Community Energy Progress, Challenges, and Successes.

Are you hoping to launch an energy or climate action project or campaign in your town but don’t know where to start? Do you have a success story that you think other communities can learn from? Is your energy committee facing roadblocks that you need advice for overcoming? What better way to formulate ideas and strategies for your community than to cross pollinate with energy committees and grassroots environmental change-makers across the state!

Real change takes place from the ground up, and we want to hear from YOU and your community about strategies, projects, tips, challenges, and reflections surrounding your local efforts. Energy committees and environmental change-makers across Vermont have overlapping projects, challenges, and goals; this workshop aims to provide a space for you to share your experiences and learn from one another’s efforts, open up space to breed inter-community collaboration and identify potential shared priorities and projects – and ways to advance them collaboratively.

Engage in productive discussion with fellow energy leaders across Vermont, hear a case study from the Arlington Energy Committee, spark collaboration with other committees, and identify ways your community can advance your aspiring projects.

Register here.

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