Just In! is NY-GEO’s weekly news feed for members. NY-GEO’s calendar-year memberships are open to everyone and available for as little as $35. See more information on memberships here. Click here to see some of the work a NY-GEO membership supports. We also feature three of the top news item summaries on the NY-GEO home page every Monday.
Final Climate Plan Draft to be Voted on Monday – Recommends end to fossil fuel combustion in new builds starting in 2025 – Capping off 2 years of intensive work, including integrating comments from 35,000 New Yorkers, the 22 -member Climate Action Council is scheduled to finalize its Scoping Plan on Monday, December 19th at 1:00 PM. The final draft of the plan was released late Friday and stakeholders are hard at work analyzing changes to the initial draft that had been released at the end of last year. Recent Council meetings have featured consideration and some conflict on important topics, including the equity provisions in the plan, moving the start date for the end to fossil fuels in new construction back to 2025 from 2024, the role of hydrogen, renewable natural gas and advanced nuclear, and economy-wide means to fund the transition away from climate destruction, among others. Once the plan is finalized the DEC as well as other state agencies, the Governor and the Legislature, the press and the public all have strong roles to play in actualizing the plan. Details for viewing the meeting and accessing the final draft of the plan here.
Electrifying Entire Government Seen as Way to Cut Emissions – Kellie Lunney -Bloomberg – The federal government—the largest US landowner, fleet operator, and purchaser—consumes vast amounts of energy… The plan could reduce an extra 333 million metric tons of carbon pollution over the next eight years, the analysts said, getting the administration two-thirds of the way to its overall reduction goal. “ Full article here.
Maine Institutes Heat Pump Electric Rate – “If you have a heat pump or are planning to install one, the Seasonal Heat Pump rate may be beneficial for you. This rate has been approved by the MPUC as a pilot program and is limited to the first 5,000 customer enrollments. As shown below, the rate has a lower delivery rate per kWh in the winter months, a higher delivery rate per kWh in the summer months and a higher monthly customer charge than Rate A…The residential Seasonal Heat Pump rate does not include the first 50 kWh use in the Service Charge like Rate A does. It does include the first 750 kWh of usage sales-tax free.” Central Maine Power website here.
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