Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Just In! (from NY-GEO)

Just In! is NY-GEO’s weekly news feed for members. NY-GEO’s calendar-year memberships are open to everyone and available for as little as $35. See more information on memberships hereClick here to see some of the work a NY-GEO membership supports. We also feature three of the top news item summaries on the NY-GEO home page every Monday.

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NY Legislative Session Clean Energy Scorecard

Advanced codes and standards act (S9405/A10439) – passed

All-Electric Building Act (S6843C/A8431B) remains in committee

Build Public Renewables Act – (S6453C/A1466D) – remains in committee

Climate Change Superfund Act (S.9417) – remains in committee

Cryptocurrency Moratorium – (S8486/A7389) – passed

Gas Transition & Affordable Energy Act – (S8198/A9329) – remains in committee

Geothermal Tax Credit (S3864/A7493) – passed

Geothermal Sales Tax Exemption (S642a/A8147) – remains in committee

Utility Thermal Network and Jobs Act S9422/A10493 – passed


Los Angeles Bans New Natural Gas Hookups to Fight Climate Change – Elizabeth Weise – Yahoo News – 4 minute read – “So far, 77 cities and towns and Washington state have banned or discouraged new natural gas hookups. Los Angeles became the latest to join the list when its City Council voted last week to rewrite building codes requiring new homes and buildings achieve zero-carbon emissions – effectively eliminating future natural gas lines.” Full Article Here


Europe’s Heat Pump Plans – Heat Pump Technologies – The European Commission released the REPowerEU Plan on May 18…This communication states, among many other things, “Regarding heat pumps, the EU aims to double the current deployment rate, resulting in a cumulative 10 million units over the next 5 years. Member States can accelerate the cost-effective deployment and integration of large-scale heat pumps, geothermal and solar thermal energy by developing and modernising district heating systems, which can replace fossil fuels in individual heating, and clean communal heating, especially in densely populated areas and cities; and by exploiting industrial heat whenever available. This accelerated deployment should be matched by a fast ramp-up of the production of heat pumps, including through facilitated access to finance.”

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