Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Just In! (from NY-GEO)

Just In! is NY-GEO’s weekly news feed for members. NY-GEO’s calendar-year memberships are open to everyone and available for as little as $35. See more information on memberships hereClick here to see some of the work a NY-GEO membership supports. We also feature three of the top news item summaries on the NY-GEO home page every Monday.

Weekly Nugget from NY’s Climate Action Draft Scoping Plan:
“Vision for 2030 -By 2030, one to two million energy-efficient homes should be electrified with heat pumps; and heat pumps should provide space heating and cooling for 10% to 20% of commercial space statewide. Heat pumps should become the majority of new purchases for space and water heating by the late 2020s. From 2030 onward, more than 250,000 New York homes and thousands more commercial buildings each year are expected to be retrofitted or constructed to be energy-efficient and to install heat pumps for primary heating, cooling, and hot water, which is more than a tenfold increase from annual adoption today. This rapid market growth is projected to generate 100,000 new jobs in energy-efficient construction and clean heating and cooling. .” From Page 121 of the Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan.
From WHYY – Could Philadelphia Tap into Geothermal? – “Dozens of large buildings and homes throughout the region use geothermal, including the Ronald McDonald House in West Philadelphia, the city’s police academy, New Jersey’s Stockton State College, and the German Society of Pennsylvania, a large, 20,000 square foot three-story Victorian townhouse built in 1829 that sits near the corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets in Philadelphia. “We had a steam heating system for parts of the building,” said Tony Michels, the society’s former president, who spearheaded the shift to geothermal six years ago. “We had a hot water system, we had split units, window units, you name it, we had fireplaces. We had everything you can imagine, and we eliminated all of that. They got rid of it because it was expensive, inefficient, and added climate-warming pollution to the atmosphere.” Thanks to NY-GEO member Paul Coons for this tip. Full article here.
2022 04 27&28 – NY-GEO 2022 In-Person Conference / Electrify with Heat Pumps – Registration is now open here. Early Bird Discount available until February 22nd. The conference format will be similar to previous conferences (3 tracks of workshops, exciting and relevant topics, excellent speakers, great meals, lots of networking, Top Job competition etc.). We and the hotel will follow state mandated health and safety rules in place at the time of the conference.

NY-GEO 2022 will feature recently appointed Public Service Commission Chair Rory Christian as the annual dinner keynote speaker



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