Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Just In! (from NY-GEO)

Below are G.E.T.’s top picks from NY-GEO’s weekly “Just-In” Newsletter. Just In! features three fresh news item summaries on the NY-GEO home page every Monday. NY-GEO members get the full newsletter, which includes an advanced look at the website articles, plus event listings and job openings and several bonus article summaries with links, usually on the Saturday before website publication.

GET Parity Act Published! – “After over a month of apparently COVID-related delays, GPO has finally published the official text of H.R. 3920, known as the ‘Groundsource Exchange Tax Parity Act’ or the ‘GET Parity Act’. The bill, sponsored by Congress Member Paul Tonko, would increase parity between ground source heat pumps, solar, wind, etc. If passed, it would increase the current temporary 10% Commercial Energy Tax Credit for GHP from 10% today to 26% until the end of 2022, to 24% in 2023, and 10% thereafter.

Other bills that mention ‘heat pumps’ that have been introduced, or whose text, sponsorship, etc. have changed, since the beginning of July include:
·         S.1298 – Clean Energy for America Act
·         S.2259 – Resilient Schools Act of 2021
·         S.1753H.R.3395 – Home Energy Savings Act
·         S.1768 H.R.3456– HOPE for HOMES Act of 2021
·         H.R.848 – GREEN Act of 2021
·         H.R.1512 – CLEAN Future Act
·         H.R.2975 – To amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to modify the definition of water heater under energy conservation standards…
·         H.R.3606 – National Institutes of Clean Energy Act of 2021
·         H.R.3607 – Buy Green Act of 2021
·         H.R.4155 – Green Neighborhoods Act of 2021”
Thanks to NY-GEO member Bob Wyman for this tip.
AWESome EarthKind podcast: Do you want to reduce your heating and cooling costs – but aren’t sure how to afford the best options? Do you want to save money and help make a better world? Jennifer Cross is a Senior Program Manager at National Grid for both their Heat Pump and Electric Products Programs. These two programs contribute to state-wide carbon reduction goals in collaboration with the other NYS electric utilities and NYSERDA. .Listen via your favorite podcast playing app (Apple [], Spotify [], Google Podcast [].) or visit the website at [] []
Waste Water as a Heat Source – This 7 minute Power of Wastewater video identifies 3 or 4 general examples of waste water as a heat resource. Favorite quote: “In the United States, 350 billion kilowatt hours of hot water are wasted annually”. Thanks to Dave Hatherton as well as NY-GEO member Billii Roberti from Green Choices Consulting for this tip.

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