Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

July 4 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Spending To Help Protect Florida Wildlife Routes, Some On First Coast, Gets DeSantis’ OK” • Work to protect remnants of undeveloped Old Florida got a big-dollar boost this week when Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation steering $400 million into land conservation. Most of its focus is on protecting wildlife migration routes. [Florida Times-Union]

Singing Carolina wren (Ryk Naves, Unsplash, cropped)

  • “A $26 Billion Plan To Save The Houston Area From Rising Seas” • In 2014, the Army Corps of Engineers partnered with the state of Texas to study Ike Dike-like alternatives for Galveston Bay. With support from the state legislature, the Corps is getting ready to deliver their recommendations to the US Congress for funding approval in September. [Ars Technica]
  • “Renewable Energy To Spur Post-COVID Recovery, Create 43 Million Jobs By 2050: IRENA” • The latest analysis report that was released by the International Renewable Energy Agency showcases that the Agency’s 1.5°C pathway foresees the creation of up to 122 million energy-related jobs in 2050, more than double today’s 58 million. [MEP Middle East]
  • “Canada Heatwave: Military On Standby As Lightning Triggers More Wildfires” • The Canadian military is on standby to help evacuate residents in British Columbia where wildfires linked to a record-breaking heatwave threaten communities. Emergency services say they are trying to control more than 170 fires, many triggered by lightning strikes. [BBC]
  • “38 New EV Battery Gigafactories Planned In Europe” • The gigafactory scene is really heating up in Europe. Government and industry are pushing hard to produce batteries domestically. A report from the non-profit Transport & Environment says that there were 38 battery gigafactories being built or planned in the EU and the UK, as of May 2021. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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