Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

July 22 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Western Wildfire Smoke Is Contributing To New York City’s Worst Air Quality In 15 Years” • Extreme heat and dry conditions are fueling raging wildfires in the western US, charring over a million acres, causing evacuations and creating smoky conditions visible from space. Smoke stretched all the way to the East Coast, making air bad in New York City. [CNN]

New York City (Johannes Hurtig, Unsplash)

  • “Using Direct Lithium Extraction To Secure US Supplies” • NREL is researching is direct lithium extraction, which extracts lithium from underground brine. It is an emerging geothermal technology that could potentially deliver 10 times the current US lithium demand from California’s known geothermal area in the Salton Sea alone. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Renewable Energy Generation At Record Highs As Gas Slumps” • Renewables jumped up almost 20% in the National Energy Market in the first half of 2021, with New South Wales and Western Australia taking the largest increases at 35% and 41% respectively. But of the market’s 33 large gas power stations, 29 operated at less than 20% capacity. [Mozo]
  • “Vermont Panel Hears Update On Federal Nuclear Waste Storage Policies” • A committee of the advisory panel monitoring the decommissioning of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant held a meeting this week to get an update on federal nuclear waste policy and the potential ramifications for the Vermont plant. [WAMC]
  • “California’s Perfect Storm: Hot Weather, Low Reservoirs, Diminished Hydro Power, Unreliable Renewable Energy” • This summer’s energy needs are looking as if they will not be met as California is facing a perfect storm. PG&E is in trouble over wildfires, and Lake Mead has hit its lowest water levels since 1935, when it was built. [California Globe]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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