Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Gas or Electric: What Pollutes More?

We often hear people complaining that electric vehicles are dirty in their own way. Is this true? Or is it a deception spread by those who fear the decline and fall of the oil industry? This video explains things for those who want to know.

We have seen a few statistics in the video that seem slightly inaccurate. The video is actually rather conservative about numbers. For example, the number given for the efficiency of internal combustion engines is actually a little high, making these engines appear a bit better than other sources might make them. But even giving that allowance, electric vehicles are far less polluting, and far less costly to run, than those that burn petroleum products.

In particular, we are told that the video has a miscalculation that should be mentioned. It, and t fact that the new 2021 Tesla model 3 is more efficient than the 2019 version, means 70,250,400 cars can be powered by the energy used to pump oil out of the ground in the US and offshore, not 19,500,000 as mentioned in the video.

This video was created by the GasTroll uTube Channel with the help from the Fully Charged Show narrated by Robert Lewellen. For more information, contact Mark Linthicum (

2 comments to Gas or Electric: What Pollutes More?

  • Gregory Whitchurch

    I’d like to know who wrote (takes responsibility for) this article. Is it an editorial by G.E.T? Someone’s comment? Who knows?

  • As you can read above, credits are mentioned as GasTroll uTube channel.If you wish to learn more, we would advise that you contact Mark Linthicum ( GET received permission to re-post the video through Mark. It is not an article or an editorial by GET. GET asked for permission to re-post it because we thought it was good information to share with our readers — in a clear, more simplified manner — as an informational video. It clearly shows the necessity to stop using fossil fuel, why and the benefits to the planet and ourselves.

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